
這兩個引數是在oracle 9i對執行計劃的最佳化開始發揮影響。

該初始化參數列示一個百分比,0%~99%,預設值0 ,對cbo來說,意味著0%的資料塊(使用索引訪問)可以在oracle‘s SGA的buffer cache中發現。即所有的對索引的訪問都將需要物理讀(每一個對buffer cache的邏輯讀都產生一個對I/o子系統的物理讀),也可以看作是:對buffer cache 0%的hit ratio。該引數隻影響CBO計算訪問索引塊時候的成本,和涉及的表無關。
This parameter applies only to the CBO’s calculations of accesses for blocks in an index, not for the blocks in the table related to the index.

該初始化引數也表示一個百分比,0~10000,表示索引訪問的i/o開銷相對於全表掃描的i/o開銷。預設值100 ,對cbo來說,表示索引訪問的開銷和全表掃描是等效的。(索引訪問花費的時間和全表掃描花費的時間幾乎是相等的。)
The default value of 100 indicates to the cost-based optimizer that indexed access is 100% as costly (i.e., equally costly) as FULL table scan access.

OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHING 應該設成 90 ,對於大多數的OLTP系統 OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ 的範圍應該在10到50之間;而對於資料倉儲或其他DSS, 就需要小心的設定成50,下面由一個好方法用來確定如何設定該引數:
a valid value for OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ can easily be retrieved from the Oracle database itself. The answers lie in the V$SYSTEM_EVENT view, in the column AVERAGE_WAIT.
After the database has been up and running normally for a sufficient period of time (i.e., a couple hours or more), perform. the following query:
WHERE EVENT LIKE ‘db file s%’;
This query will retrieve information on the two I/O wait events db file scattered reads (a.k.a. FULL table scans) and db file sequential reads (a.k.a. indexed scans). The AVERAGE_WAIT column contains the average timing, in 1/100ths of a second, of these events:
========================= ==============
db file sequential reads .33178629
db file scattered reads 2.190087
In this example, indexed scan I/O requests takes only 15% as long as each FULL table scan I/O request. So, set OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ to 15.(SQL>select .33178629/2.190087 from dual;


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/35489/viewspace-606133/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。