Standby Server中的log_archive_start=false還是true ?


STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST is relevant only for a standby database in managed recovery mode. It specifies the location of archive logs arriving from a primary database. Oracle uses STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT to fabricate the fully qualified standby log filenames and stores the filenames in the standby control file.

You can see the value of this parameter by querying the V$ARCHIVE_DEST data dictionary view.

只有在standby資料庫在managed recovery模式時,standby_archive_dest
才起作用的,它指定了primary database歸檔日誌傳送到standy資料庫的目錄

log_archive_dest_n   指定的是standby資料庫自身的歸檔位置,
如果standby上的引數設定 log_archive_start=false 時  standby將不產生日誌 


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