關於tablespace在read only狀態下的DML ,DDL操作--Read-Only Tablespaces
Read-Only Tablespaces
You can drop items, such as tables or indexes, from a read-only tablespace, but you cannot create or alter objects in the tablespace. You can execute statements that update the file description in the data dictionary, such as ALTER TABLE...ADD or ALTER TABLE...MODIFY, but you will not be able to utilize the new description until the tablespace is made read-write.
You can drop items, such as tables or indexes, from a read-only tablespace, but you cannot create or alter objects in the tablespace. You can execute statements that update the file description in the data dictionary, such as ALTER TABLE...ADD or ALTER TABLE...MODIFY, but you will not be able to utilize the new description until the tablespace is made read-write.
一個使用者表空間test置為read only模式之後,DML操作自然是不行的,不過如果是純粹的DDL操作,並且不涉及到使用者表空間下的表中的資料(也就是僅僅更改資料字典--資料字典存在system表空間下,system是online的),那麼是可以的。
比如: test 表空間為read only , 其中有一個table 為 test1_table , 表中如果沒有資料,那麼對錶欄位修改,加入,刪除欄位是允許的,不過如果其中已經有資料了,那麼加入,刪除就涉及到了這個tablespace( 原來沒有資料,只是涉及到資料字典,而資料字典表空間是system ) .
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/35489/viewspace-85136/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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