EBS使用 Distributed AD在多個節點並行adpatch
Using Distributed AD
- Start AutoPatch or AD Controller with Distributed AD worker options
On one of your shared application tier file system nodes, start your AutoPatch or AD Administration session with the following command line options:localworkers= workers=
For example, to run an AutoPatch session with a total of eight workers (three workers on the local node and five workers on a remote node):
$ adpatch workers=8 localworkers=3
- Start AD Controller on remote node(s)
On each of the additional shared application tier file system nodes, start an AD Controller session with the additional distributed command line option:$ adctrl distributed=y
After providing basic information, AD Controller will prompt for the worker number(s) to be started. For example, to start workers 4 through 8 on a second node, enter “4 5 6 7 8″ or “4-8″.
The following is an example of starting a three-node session with a total of five workers:
Node 1:
$ adpatch localworkers=3 workers=5
Node 2:
$ adctrl distributed=y Enter the worker range: 4
Node 3:
$ adctrl distributed=y Enter the worker range: 5
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