HTML Agility Pack for Windows Phone 7 (WP7)
So I've noticed some tweets recently on if/how the HTML Agility Pack can be used in WP7 development. I looked into it a bit while working on the Drudge Buddy app, and what I found is that you can use it, but you have to
compile the dll yourself. Here's what you do:
Go to the HTML Agility Pack Codeplex site:
Select the "Source Code" menu item, and then "download" the "Latest Version". You'll want to extract this somewhere on your hard drive.
Now, go into the directory where you extracted the files, and look for the "Truck/HAPPhone" folder. There should be a "csproj" file. Load this into Visual Studio. At this point, you should be able to compile the HAPPhone project and create the dll you need. You can then include this dll file as a reference in your WP7 project and begin using the HTML Agility Pack in your project.
Keep in mind that the HAPPhone project does not include all the functionality that the main project does. So, you can use the tutorials on the Codeplex page (and others) to get an understanding of how it works, but you may have to modify the way you actually parse the data.
Anyway, good luck!
Go to the HTML Agility Pack Codeplex site:
Select the "Source Code" menu item, and then "download" the "Latest Version". You'll want to extract this somewhere on your hard drive.
Now, go into the directory where you extracted the files, and look for the "Truck/HAPPhone" folder. There should be a "csproj" file. Load this into Visual Studio. At this point, you should be able to compile the HAPPhone project and create the dll you need. You can then include this dll file as a reference in your WP7 project and begin using the HTML Agility Pack in your project.
Keep in mind that the HAPPhone project does not include all the functionality that the main project does. So, you can use the tutorials on the Codeplex page (and others) to get an understanding of how it works, but you may have to modify the way you actually parse the data.
Anyway, good luck!
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