Windows Phone 8 新增功能:對SD卡的訪問
Windows Phone 8 新增加了對 SD 卡的支援,開發者可以直接訪問SD卡非加密的內容,但無法執行Write操作
使用程式碼片段,引用自官方Route mapper sample例子,完整例子請移步到:點選開啟連結
- // Process a route from the SD card.
- private async Task ProcessSDGPXFile(string _sdFilePath)
- {
- // Connect to the current SD card.
- ExternalStorageDevice sdCard = (await ExternalStorage.GetExternalStorageDevicesAsync()).FirstOrDefault();
- // If the SD card is present, get the route from the SD card.
- if (sdCard != null)
- {
- try
- {
- // Get the route (.GPX file) from the SD card.
- ExternalStorageFile file = await sdCard.GetFileAsync(_sdFilePath);
- // Create a stream for the route.
- Stream s = await file.OpenForReadAsync();
- // Read the route data.
- ReadGPXFile(s);
- }
- catch (FileNotFoundException)
- {
- // The route is not present on the SD card.
- MessageBox.Show("That route is missing on your SD card.");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // No SD card is present.
- MessageBox.Show("The SD card is mssing. Insert an SD card that has a Routes folder containing at least one .GPX file and try again.");
- }
- }
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