中國特色詞彙漢譯英 - K,L
卡丁車 kart
開發一代,儲存一帶,預研一代 (產品) to develop this generation of products while researching on the next generation of products
開放式基金 open-ended fund
開工不足 enterprises running under their production capacity
開工典禮 commencement ceremony
開題報告 opening speech; opening report
看守政府, 看守內閣,過渡政府 caretaker cabinet
坎兒井 karez
抗美援朝戰爭 War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
抗震棚 quake-proof shelter
考研 take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools
科技成果轉化為生產力 transfer of scientific and technological achievements
科技含量 technology content
科技是第一生產力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.
科教興國 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation
科研攻關 scientific research and tackle the key research project
可持續發展 sustainable development
燒錄機 CD writer; disc-carving machine
空頭支票 accommodation note, lip service
空中小姐 air hostess; air stewardess
控股公司 holding company
扣帽子 put a label on
跨世紀工程 a trans-century project
跨越式發展 great-leap-forward development
快訊 news flash; flash
寬頻接入 broadband access
寬頻網 broadband networks
寬限期 grace period
虧損企業 enterprises running in the red/under deficit
困難職工 the needy
垃圾債券 junk bond
拉動經濟增長 fuel economic growth
拉拉隊 cheering squad
拉拉隊長 cheer-leader, rooter king
拉關係 try to curry favor with
來電顯示電話機 caller ID telephone
來料加工 process materials supplied by clients; accept customers’ materials for processing
勞動合同制 labor contract system
老字號 an old and famous shop or enterprise
“籬笆牆“ barriers/ blockage to inter-regional trading
禮儀小姐 ritual girl
利改稅 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery
利好因素 wrinkle
利基 niche
立體農業 three-dimensional agriculture
聯合聯絡小組 joint liaison group
廉政建設 construction of a clean and honest administration
廉政、勤政、務實、高效政府 an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government
廉潔奉公,以正治國 (of an official) clean and devoted, and govern the state with his own example of uprightness
聯產承包責任制 system of contracted responsibility linking remuneration to output; contract system with remuneration linked to output
聯合國會費 the UN membership dues (fee)
聯合兼併 conglomeration and merger of enterprises
聯合投標 syndicated tender
聯想集團 Legend Group
練攤 to be a vendor
良性迴圈 virtuous circle
糧食收購部門 (government’s) grain procurement (purchasing) agencies
糧油關係:grain and oil rationing registration
兩岸直航促進會 Association for Promotion of Cross-Straits Direct Transportation
兩彈一艇 A-bomb, H-bomb and nuclear-powered submarine
“兩個對等的政治實體“ “two equal political entities
兩個文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress
兩手抓兩手都要硬 We must address ourselves to the problem of both material and spiritual civilization(both material as well as culture and ideological progress) without any letup.
“兩思“(致富思源,富而思進) to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
老少邊窮地區 former revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by minority nationalities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas
《聊齋志異》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio
獵頭公司 head-hunting company
臨時主教練 caretaker coach
領頭羊 bellwether
留職停薪 retain the job but suspend the salary
留學諮詢:consulting on the study abroad
流動人口 transient population
(行業中的)龍頭老大 leading enterprise; flagship of the industry
亂集資、亂攤派、亂收費 unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises
亂收費、亂攤派、亂罰款 arbitrary charges, fund-raising quotas and fines
《論語》 Analects of Confucius
論文答辯 (thesis) oral defense
裸機:bare mobile phone
綠地覆蓋率 forest coverage rate
綠化 afforestation
綠色急救通道 emergency green path
綠色食品 green food
卡丁車 kart
開發一代,儲存一帶,預研一代 (產品) to develop this generation of products while researching on the next generation of products
開放式基金 open-ended fund
開工不足 enterprises running under their production capacity
開工典禮 commencement ceremony
開題報告 opening speech; opening report
看守政府, 看守內閣,過渡政府 caretaker cabinet
坎兒井 karez
抗美援朝戰爭 War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
抗震棚 quake-proof shelter
考研 take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools
科技成果轉化為生產力 transfer of scientific and technological achievements
科技含量 technology content
科技是第一生產力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.
科教興國 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation
科研攻關 scientific research and tackle the key research project
可持續發展 sustainable development
燒錄機 CD writer; disc-carving machine
空頭支票 accommodation note, lip service
空中小姐 air hostess; air stewardess
控股公司 holding company
扣帽子 put a label on
跨世紀工程 a trans-century project
跨越式發展 great-leap-forward development
快訊 news flash; flash
寬頻接入 broadband access
寬頻網 broadband networks
寬限期 grace period
虧損企業 enterprises running in the red/under deficit
困難職工 the needy
垃圾債券 junk bond
拉動經濟增長 fuel economic growth
拉拉隊 cheering squad
拉拉隊長 cheer-leader, rooter king
拉關係 try to curry favor with
來電顯示電話機 caller ID telephone
來料加工 process materials supplied by clients; accept customers’ materials for processing
勞動合同制 labor contract system
老字號 an old and famous shop or enterprise
“籬笆牆“ barriers/ blockage to inter-regional trading
禮儀小姐 ritual girl
利改稅 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery
利好因素 wrinkle
利基 niche
立體農業 three-dimensional agriculture
聯合聯絡小組 joint liaison group
廉政建設 construction of a clean and honest administration
廉政、勤政、務實、高效政府 an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government
廉潔奉公,以正治國 (of an official) clean and devoted, and govern the state with his own example of uprightness
聯產承包責任制 system of contracted responsibility linking remuneration to output; contract system with remuneration linked to output
聯合國會費 the UN membership dues (fee)
聯合兼併 conglomeration and merger of enterprises
聯合投標 syndicated tender
聯想集團 Legend Group
練攤 to be a vendor
良性迴圈 virtuous circle
糧食收購部門 (government’s) grain procurement (purchasing) agencies
糧油關係:grain and oil rationing registration
兩岸直航促進會 Association for Promotion of Cross-Straits Direct Transportation
兩彈一艇 A-bomb, H-bomb and nuclear-powered submarine
“兩個對等的政治實體“ “two equal political entities
兩個文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress
兩手抓兩手都要硬 We must address ourselves to the problem of both material and spiritual civilization(both material as well as culture and ideological progress) without any letup.
“兩思“(致富思源,富而思進) to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
老少邊窮地區 former revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by minority nationalities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas
《聊齋志異》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio
獵頭公司 head-hunting company
臨時主教練 caretaker coach
領頭羊 bellwether
留職停薪 retain the job but suspend the salary
留學諮詢:consulting on the study abroad
流動人口 transient population
(行業中的)龍頭老大 leading enterprise; flagship of the industry
亂集資、亂攤派、亂收費 unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises
亂收費、亂攤派、亂罰款 arbitrary charges, fund-raising quotas and fines
《論語》 Analects of Confucius
論文答辯 (thesis) oral defense
裸機:bare mobile phone
綠地覆蓋率 forest coverage rate
綠化 afforestation
綠色急救通道 emergency green path
綠色食品 green food
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- 中國特色詞彙漢譯英 - A
- 中國特色詞彙漢譯英 - M
- 中國特色詞彙漢譯英 - J
- 中國特色詞彙漢譯英 - H
- 中國特色詞彙漢譯英 - G
- 中國特色詞彙漢譯英 - D
- 中國特色詞彙漢譯英 - C
- 中國特色詞彙漢譯英 - B
- 中國特色詞彙漢譯英 - E, F
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