latch 相關效能問題診斷: latch: row cache objects等待事件導致CPU負載高
Oracle , EBS R12.1.3
現象: DB環境效能不穩定,CPU持續100%,後臺很多Active Session。
1. 生成AWR報告,檢視等待事件,發現 latch: row cache objects 等待事件比較嚴重。
Top 5 Timed Foreground Events
Event Waits Time(s) Avg wait (ms) % DB time Wait Class
DB CPU 44,158 37.91
latch: row cache objects 101,681,447 25,442 0 21.84 Concurrency
library cache lock 1,636 14,850 9077 12.75 Concurrency
enq: TX - row lock contention 164 9,053 55200 7.77 Application
enq: SQ - contention 468 3,617 7728 3.11 Configuration
2. 檢視AWR報告中Latch Statistics下的 Latch Miss Sources
Latch Miss Sources
-only latches with sleeps are shown
-ordered by name, sleeps desc
Latch Name Where NoWaitMisses Sleeps Waiter Sleeps
row cache objects kqrpre: find obj 0 47,385,304 29,486,952
row cache objects kqreqd 0 13,710,373 22,722,332
row cache objects kqreqd: reget 0 13,121,647 22,009,939
undo global data ktusm_stealext_2 0 4,990 2,025
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- latch:library cache lock等待事件事件
- latch等待事件彙總事件
- Latch free等待事件(轉)事件
- Latch free等待事件四(轉)事件
- Latch free等待事件三(轉)事件
- Latch free等待事件二(轉)事件
- [異常等待事件latch undo global data]分析事件
- 基於等待事件的效能診斷(轉)事件
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