EBS R12.2 Online Patching(ADOP)及Oracle EBR - 2


4.   Is any downtime required for the database tier?    - 資料庫層不需要downtime
No. In fact, the database needs to be up and running during each phase of the Online Patching cycle. However, non-Oracle E-Business Suite delivered database clients need to re-establish their database connection after the Online Patching cutover phase is performed. This includes connections from ODI Agent and Discoverer Server, as well as connection pools from Oracle SOA Suite and any other third party software connected to the Oracle E-Business Suite database.

5.  How does Online Patching work on the application tier?
During Release 12.2 installation, Rapid Install will lay down two copies of the application tier file system. One of the copies will be labeled as the run file system, and the other as the patch file system. Subsequently, when a patch is applied, adop will:
     1).  Synchronize the contents of the run file system to the patch file system. This happens during the prepare phase.
     2).  Perform patching actions on the patch file system. This happens during the apply phase.
     3).  Finally, during the cutover phase, the adop utility restarts the application tier services. The patch file system is then promoted to be the new run file system, and the old run file system becomes the patch file system for the next patching cycle.

6.   資料庫EBR :  
        僅僅對資料庫進行變更(不含應用變更),使用EBR可以實現資料庫不停機。 即在EBR操作完成後,還連線著資料庫的應該還使用舊的版本,新連線的程式或session 在修改預設edition為new_edition後會使用到新版本。直到全部更新完成 。 EBS R12.2軟體包不僅僅是資料庫變更,還包括應用,不能新舊版本並行。
GRANT USE ON EDITION new_edition_name TO PUBLIC ;         ---  將新版本的使用許可權賦予給所有人
ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT EDITION = new_edition_name ;      ---  切換預設edition為新版本

After that I’ll give an alternative ending to this example. Instead of simply “shut off the old version and start using the new
version”—a warm cutover —we’ll perform a hot rollover , whereby we’ll enable the legacy application to run concurrently
with the new application until the legacy application is no longer needed. This hot rollover capability reduces downtime from
seconds to nonexistent.


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