shell指令碼中如何報錯即刻退出以及如何獲取子shell指令碼的錯誤資訊:set -o errexit
shell 指令碼中 : set -x 是開啟, set +x是關閉
set -e 表示有報錯即退出, set +e 表示關閉這種設定。 set -e 等價於 set -o errexit , set +e 等價於 set +o errexit 。
## Exit immediately if any untested command fails
set -o errexit
...... 很多shell指令碼。
## 到了需要獲取rman 子指令碼的報錯返回值,不能報錯馬上退出,這裡 Disable set -e
set +o errexit
nohup rman cmdfile=restore_ctrl.dat log=restore_ctrl.log
## Collect error message if rman command failed .
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "Restore controlfile failed, please check the log file: $RMAN_BACKUP_PATH/script/restore_ctrl.log ."
cat restore_ctrl.log
echo "Control file is restored . "
## Enable set -e
set -o errexit
set -e 表示有報錯即退出, set +e 表示關閉這種設定。 set -e 等價於 set -o errexit , set +e 等價於 set +o errexit 。
## Exit immediately if any untested command fails
set -o errexit
## 到了需要獲取rman 子指令碼的報錯返回值,不能報錯馬上退出,這裡 Disable set -e
set +o errexit
nohup rman cmdfile=restore_ctrl.dat log=restore_ctrl.log
## Collect error message if rman command failed .
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "Restore controlfile failed, please check the log file: $RMAN_BACKUP_PATH/script/restore_ctrl.log ."
cat restore_ctrl.log
echo "Control file is restored . "
## Enable set -e
set -o errexit
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