RAC腦裂(split brain)相關: DTO(disktimeout) - SDTO,LDTO
version : 10.1 - 11.2
During node join and leave (reconfiguration) in a cluster we need to reconfigure, in that particular case we use Short Disk TimeOut (SDTO) which is in all versions SDTO = MC – reboottime (usually 3 seconds)
來自 CSS Timeout Computation in Oracle Clusterware (文件 ID 294430.1)
If a heartbeat failed between the nodes, voting disk write now should complete within SDTO. This is called shortdiskTimeout. There are two disk out parameters used in Oracle Clusterware which are: longdisktimeout (LDTO) and shortdisktimeout (SDTO).
The voting disk write should complete within SDTO when there is a “network heart beat failure”. When there is network heart beat failure, Oracle Clusterware no longer considers the LDTO.
以上關於SDTO及LDTO的說法, 可以總結為如下幾句:
SDTO -- 節點加入或刪除時cluster需進行reconfiguration的時間,SDTO=MC-rebootime=30-3=27秒 。
或如果在節點之間的心跳failed,voting disk寫操作應該在SDTO(27秒)時間內完成 。
LDTO -- 是指正常的RAC操作中允許Votedisk I/O完成超時的時間,為200秒。也就是說, 如果網路心跳failed , 那麼只會使用到 SDTO ,
而不會使用到 LDTO , LDTO 這個 200秒 只是在網路心跳正常,進行正常RAC操作時候才會用到 。
During node join and leave (reconfiguration) in a cluster we need to reconfigure, in that particular case we use Short Disk TimeOut (SDTO) which is in all versions SDTO = MC – reboottime (usually 3 seconds)
來自 CSS Timeout Computation in Oracle Clusterware (文件 ID 294430.1)
If a heartbeat failed between the nodes, voting disk write now should complete within SDTO. This is called shortdiskTimeout. There are two disk out parameters used in Oracle Clusterware which are: longdisktimeout (LDTO) and shortdisktimeout (SDTO).
The voting disk write should complete within SDTO when there is a “network heart beat failure”. When there is network heart beat failure, Oracle Clusterware no longer considers the LDTO.
以上關於SDTO及LDTO的說法, 可以總結為如下幾句:
SDTO -- 節點加入或刪除時cluster需進行reconfiguration的時間,SDTO=MC-rebootime=30-3=27秒 。
或如果在節點之間的心跳failed,voting disk寫操作應該在SDTO(27秒)時間內完成 。
LDTO -- 是指正常的RAC操作中允許Votedisk I/O完成超時的時間,為200秒。也就是說, 如果網路心跳failed , 那麼只會使用到 SDTO ,
而不會使用到 LDTO , LDTO 這個 200秒 只是在網路心跳正常,進行正常RAC操作時候才會用到 。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/35489/viewspace-1973917/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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