【OCP】Oracle 11g OCP 1Z0-051 003

3. You need to extract details of those products in the SALES table where the PROD_ID column
contains the string '_D123'.
Which WHERE clause could be used in the SELECT statement to get the required output?
A. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '_'
B. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%\_D123%' ESCAPE '\'
C. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%_D123%' ESCAPE '%_'
D. WHERE prod_id LIKE '%\_D123%' ESCAPE '\_'

關鍵字:ESCAPE '\'

_  可以匹配任意單個字元
% 可以匹配任意零個或多個字元

SCOTT@PROD>create table test as select * from emp where deptno=20;
SCOTT@PROD>update test set ename='xinghao_lv' where empno=7788;
SCOTT@PROD>update test set ename='xinghaolv' where empno=7902;
SCOTT@PROD>select * from test;

查詢test表中姓名中包含  MI 的員工資訊

select * from test where ename like '%MI%';

查詢test表中姓名中包含 _  的員工資訊 (錯誤結果)
SCOTT@PROD>select * from test where ename like '%_%';

上述語句會把test表中所有資訊顯示出來,因為%匹配任意多個字元,_匹配任意單個字元,所以 like '%_%'   實際匹配的是所有。
需要使用escape轉義,將 _ 作為萬用字元的功能取消。

SCOTT@PROD>select * from test where ename like '%\_%' escape'\';

SCOTT@PROD>select * from test where ename like '%#_%' escape'#';

SQL Language Reference    -    7 Conditions     -     like condition

The pattern can contain special pattern-matching characters:
    An underscore (_) in the pattern matches exactly one character (as opposed to one byte in a multibyte character set) in the value.
    A percent sign (%) in the pattern can match zero or more characters (as opposed to bytes in a multibyte character set) in the value. The pattern '%' cannot match a null.

You can include the actual characters % or _ in the pattern by using the ESCAPE clause, which identifies the escape character. If the escape character precedes the character % or _ in the pattern, then Oracle interprets this character literally in the pattern rather than as a special pattern-matching character. You can also search for the escape character itself by repeating it. For example, if @ is the escape character, then you can use @@ to search for @.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29475508/viewspace-2065268/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
