ORA-16009: 遠端歸檔日誌目標必須為備用資料庫
今天在公司安裝oracle10g dataguard for windows 平臺,在做switchover時,
在alert_orcl.log 日誌中會出現以下錯誤內容
Thu Nov 27 10:19:12 2008
Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC
-- Connected User is Valid
RFS[2]: Assigned to RFS process 1292
RFS[2]: Database mount ID mismatch [0x4781d95f:0x47823be1]
RFS[2]: Client instance is standby database instead of primary
RFS[2]: Not using real application clusters
Thu Nov 27 10:19:12 2008
Errors in file d:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\orcl\udump\orcl_rfs_1292.trc:
ORA-16009: 遠端歸檔日誌目標必須為備用資料庫
* fact: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition 9
* fact: Data Guard (DATAGUARD)
* symptom: Errors appears in alert.log on primary database
* symptom: RFS: Destination database mount ID mismatch
* symptom: RFS: client instance is standby database instead of primary
* symptom: RFS: Not using real application clusters
* symptom: RFS: Possible network disconnect with primary database
* symptom: Errors appear in alert.log on standby database
* symptom: ARC0: Error 16009 Creating archive log file to 'ORCL'
* symptom: ORA-16009: remote archive log destination must be a STANDBY database
* symptom: LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2='SERVICE=ORCL LGWR SYNC AFFIRM' on the standby database
* symptom: LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2='SERVICE=STBY LGWR SYNC AFFIRM' on the primary database
* symptom: Standby redo log files are defined on the standby database
* cause: The standby redo log files are synchronously filled with redo from the primary database. When a logswitch occur on the primary database, those files are archived on the standby database before being applyed on it. The archiving process on the standby database should only archive to the local disks on the standby database and not transmit them to the primary database.
Disable the remote archiving on the standby database.
Example: alter system set log_archive_dest_2 = ''
是因為沒有把standby 上的log_archive_dest_2 清空導致的。
另外也有可能是bug 導致16009
bug 4676659
Standby may not be recognised (ORA-16009)
When the log transport is LGWR ASYNC and logical standby has
ORA-16009 is reported at both primary and standby alert.log at
regular intervals.
There is no workaround to prevent ORA-16009 from appearing in alert logs.
However, even though there are errors in alert log no functionality is
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/7199859/viewspace-503730/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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