oracle 10g asm資料庫imp匯入慢處理
環境:oracle 10GR2 +aIx+6.1+asm+emc儲存
資料庫引數已經調整,imp buffer引數也已經加大,唯一沒修改的就是asm例項引數保持預設
• shared_pool_size = 12M
• large_pool = 128M
• db_cache_size = 64M
Large_pool – Additional memory is required to store extent maps. Aggregate the values from the
following queries to obtain current database storage size that is either already on ASM or will be stored in
ASM. Then determine the redundancy type that is used (or will be used), and calculate the shared_pool,
using the aggregated value as input.
select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) from v$datafile;
select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) from v$logfile a, v$log b
select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) from v$tempfile where
For diskgroups using external redundancy = (Every 100Gb of space needs
1Mb of extra shared pool) + 2M
For diskgroups using Normal redundancy: (Every 50Gb of space needs 1Mb of
extra shared pool) + 4M.
For diskgroups using High redundancy: (Every 33Gb of space needs 1Mb of
extra shared pool) + 6M
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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