對oracle metalink文件我們也要敢於質疑


       環境 oracle rac+aix 5.3 +hacmp

     今天在幫客戶解決crs叢集軟體不能自動裝載資料庫的問題,按照oracle metalink文件説:

In Oracle 9i and Oracle Database 10g, when the Oracle initialization parameter LOCK_SGA is set to TRUE, Oracle will request large pages when allocating shared memory (shmget() call has SHM_LGPAGE flag set). For the AIX operating system to use large pages when allocating shared memory, the Oracle user ID must have CAP_BYPASS_RAC_VMM and CAP_PROPAGATE capabilities. Also, the AIX large page pool must be configured (as shown in the example below). When using large pages on an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) database, where the srvctl command is used to start and stop the RAC database instances, it is also necessary to set the CAP_BYPASS_RAC_VMM and CAP_PROPAGATE capabilities for the root user ID.

需要給root和oracle使用者  都賦予 CAP_BYPASS_RAC_VMM and CAP_PROPAGATE capabilities 屬性

修改完後,停止資料庫和crs,再啟動crs,依然不能啟動資料庫,需要用sqlplus 手工啟動資料庫

也陷入了迷茫中,只能收集資訊,向metalink開tar, 吃完中飯後,自己還在想這個問題,

突然想到安裝oracle 11g rac,grid使用者capabilities應該需要賦予三個屬性,這時馬上查oracle 11g rac安裝手冊

     To check existing capabilities, enter the following command as root:

# /usr/bin/lsuser -a capabilities grid

        To add capabilities, enter a command similar to the following:

# /usr/bin/chuser








  在這次實施過程中,前面為什麼會失敗,主要是oracle metalink文件疏忽造成的,所以我們要有這樣一個意識,官方文件也有出錯的地方,畢竟是人寫出來的,難免犯錯誤,我們要敢於去質疑。




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