IBM AIX下的lru_file_repage引數解釋(轉)


      AIX的核心引數的調整對資料庫和應用的效能至關重要。一般來說,在部署階段,我們必須對核心引數做適當的調整,上線以後,也需要對核心的某些引數做出微調。最近,收到一個case,發現errpt裡面有大量的”NIM thread blocked”事件,老外抱怨前端應用很慢,透過nmon收集資訊,發現有大量的page in/out。


lru_file_repage – when the number of permanent memory pages (numperm) falls between minperm and maxperm (or the number of client memory pages falls between minperm and maxclient), this setting indicates whether repaging rates are considered when deciding to evict permanent memory pages or computational memory pages. Setting this to 0 tells AIX to ignore repaging rates and favor evicting permament memory pages, keeping more computational memory in RAM. The AIX 5L default is 1/true (consider the repaging rate), The AIX 6.1 default is 0/false (now a restricted setting).

在我們調整完該引數後,再微調了資料庫的另外一些引數,資料庫效能得到了大幅度的提升,沒有再出現”NIM thread blocked”.AIX5.3/6.1裡面,核心引數發生了一些變化,除了以上提到的這個引數外,還有其它的核心引數需要我們關注.

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