oracle 11gR2 asm磁碟組存放grid叢集裡面的內容

When using an ASM diskgroup for CRS there are typically 3 different types of files located in the diskgroup that potentially need to be restored/recreated:
  • the Oracle Cluster Registry file (OCR)
  • the Voting file(s)
  • the shared SPFILE for the ASM instances
The following example assumes that the OCR was located in a single diskgroup used exclusively for CRS. The diskgroup has just one disk using external redundancy.

Since the CRS diskgroup has been lost the CRS stack will not be available on any node.

The following settings used in the example would need to be replaced according to the actual configuration:

GRID user:                       oragrid
GRID home:                       /u01/app/11.2.0/grid ($CRS_HOME)
ASM diskgroup name for OCR:      CRS
ASM/ASMLIB disk name:            ASMD40
Linux device name for ASM disk:  /dev/sdh1
Cluster name:                    rac_cluster1
Nodes:                           racnode1, racnode2

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