OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused)
oracle goldengate 啟動pump PM110628 程式不成功,顯示ABENDED
EXTRACT ABENDED PM110628 00:00:00 00:07:07
檢視PM110628 的報告
view report PM110628
2011-06-28 13:25:26 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
2011-06-28 13:25:36 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
2011-06-28 13:25:46 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
2011-06-28 13:25:56 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
2011-06-28 13:26:06 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
2011-06-28 13:26:16 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
2011-06-28 13:26:26 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
2011-06-28 13:26:36 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
2011-06-28 13:26:46 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
2011-06-28 13:26:56 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
2011-06-28 13:27:06 WARNING OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused).
Source Context :
SourceModule : [er.extrout]
SourceID : [/home/ecloud/workspace/Build_OpenSys_r11.[34104]/perforce/src/app/er/extrout.c]
SourceFunction : [tcp_send_data(extract_def *)]
SourceLine : [1243]
SourceModule : [er.extrout]
SourceID : [/home/ecloud/workspace/Build_OpenSys_r11.[34104]/perforce/src/app/er/extrout.c]
SourceFunction : [tcp_send_data(extract_def *)]
SourceLine : [1243]
2011-06-28 13:27:16 ERROR OGG-01224 TCP/IP error 79 (Connection refused); retries exceeded.
2011-06-28 13:27:16 ERROR OGG-01668 PROCESS ABENDING.
檢視view param pm110628
GGSCI (p670b) 18>
GGSCI (p670b) 19> view param PM110628
extract PM110628
rmthost ip地址, mgrport 7809
rmttrail /goldengate/dirdat/H4
rmthost ip地址, mgrport 7809
rmttrail /goldengate/dirdat/H4
GGSCI (p670b) 76> info mgr
Manager is running (IP port p670b.7820).
mgr埠和PM110628 埠 不一致,把PM110628改成7820
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/7199859/viewspace-701032/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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