#! /bin/bash
#deletes all files in /var/log/hadoop that have not been modified in
the past 7 days.
find /var/log/hadoop -type f -mtime 7 -delete
#deletes all files in /var/log/zookeeper that have not been modified
in the past 7 days.
find /var/log/zookeeper -type f -mtime 7 -delete
#deletes all files in /var/log/hive that have not been modified in the
past 7 days.
find /var/log/hive -type f -mtime 7 -delete
#deletes all files in /var/log/hbase that have not been modified in
the past 7 days.
find /var/log/hbase -type f -mtime 7 -delete
#deletes files in mapred.local.dir directories that have not been
modified in the past 7 days.
find /mnt/disk1/hadoop/mapred/taskTracker -type f -mtime 7 -delete
find /mnt/disk1/hadoop/mapred/userlogs -type f -mtime 7 -mtime 7 -delete
#deletes hadoop directories that have no files in them
find /mnt/disk1/hadoop/mapred/userlogs/ -mindepth 1 -type d -delete
find /mnt/disk1/hadoop/mapred/taskTracker/ -mindepth 1 -type d -delete
find /var/log/hadoop/history -mindepth 1 -type d -delete
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/26764973/viewspace-1446019/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- 定期刪除歸檔檔案的指令碼指令碼
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