Oracle 資料庫OCP-053-635
635.While Monitoring the space usage in your database that is in ARCHIVELOG mode you observed that
the flash recovery area does not have enough free space to accommodate any more files and you do not
have necessary permissions to add more space to it.
Identify the two events that can occur in the event of a log switch? (Choose two.)
A. An entry is created in the alert log file and the database instance continues to function normally
B. The log switch hangs occur for transactions until free space is available in the flash recovery area
C. The Oracle database server deletes a file that is on the obsolete file list to make free space in the flash
recovery area
D. The database instance status is implicitly changed to RESTRICTED mode and file creations to the
flash recovery area are prevented
Answer: BC
the flash recovery area does not have enough free space to accommodate any more files and you do not
have necessary permissions to add more space to it.
Identify the two events that can occur in the event of a log switch? (Choose two.)
A. An entry is created in the alert log file and the database instance continues to function normally
B. The log switch hangs occur for transactions until free space is available in the flash recovery area
C. The Oracle database server deletes a file that is on the obsolete file list to make free space in the flash
recovery area
D. The database instance status is implicitly changed to RESTRICTED mode and file creations to the
flash recovery area are prevented
Answer: BC
SQL>select file_type from v$flash_recovery_area_usage;
上面的檢視中可以看出,包括controfile,online redo logfile,archive logfile,rman backuppiece,rman image copy, flashback log等,都可以利用閃回恢復區來存放、管理。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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