Resources類中getString (int ResID)與getText (int ResID)的區別
Resources類中getString (int ResID)與getText (int ResID)的區別
getString (int ResID)和getText (int ResID)都是Resources類中方法,都是獲取資原始檔中的字串資料。
- getString (int ResID):是獲得資原始檔的字串資源(XML檔案中String子元素定義的String資源),但是沒有任何的文字顯示樣式的,其僅僅是獲取字串的值而已。
- getText (int ResID):也是獲取XML檔案中String子元素定義的String資源,與getString()方法不同的是,getText()返回的字串包含文字的格式資訊。
(1)public CharSequence getText (int ResID)
Return the string value associated with a particular resource ID. The returned object will be a String if this is a plain(簡單的、平的) string; it will be some other type of CharSequence if it is styled.
返回與特定資源ID相關聯的字串值。如果是無格式的字串,則返回的是字串物件,如是格式的字串,則將返回CharSequence 其他型別。
- 引數說明:
ResID:The desired resource identifier, as generated by the aapt tool. This integer encodes the package, type, and resource entry. The value 0 is an invalid identifier.
- 返回值:
CharSequence :The string data associated with the resource, plus possibly styled text information.(與資源想關聯的字串資料和可能有的文字資訊樣式)
(2) public String getString (int ResID)
Return the string value associated with a particular resource ID. It will be stripped of(剝奪) any styled text information.
- 引數說明:
ResID :The desired resource identifier, as generated by the aapt tool. This integer encodes the package, type, and resource entry. The value 0 is an invalid identifier.
- 返回值:
String :The string data associated with the resource, stripped of styled text information.
(3) getString (int ResID)與getText (int ResID)的區別
- getString (int ResID):是獲得資原始檔的字串資源(XML檔案中String子元素定義的String資源),但是沒有任何的文字顯示樣式的,其僅僅是獲取字串的值而已。
- getText (int ResID):也是獲取XML檔案中String子元素定義的String資源,與getString()方法不同的是,getText()返回的字串包含文字的格式資訊。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="demo"> <b>demo</b> </string>
CharSequence chs = getText(R.string.demo); //包含文字的樣式資訊
String str = getString(R.string.demo); //沒有任何的文字樣式資訊
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