

執行awrrpt.sql執行awr報告的時候, 在報告中undo段彙總資訊的地方出現ORA-6502 錯誤。



資料庫版本為10.2.0.4 for Solaris,詳細的錯誤資訊為:

Error encountered in Undo Segment Summary While executing SQL statement: Len = 834 select undotsn , sum(undoblks)/1000 undob , sum(txncount) txcnt , max(maxquerylen) maxq , max(maxconcurrency) maxc , min(tuned_undoretention)/60 ||'/'|| max(tuned_undor etention)/60 mintun , sum(ssolderrcnt) ||'/'|| sum(nospaceerrcnt) snolno , sum (unxpstealcnt) ||'/'|| sum(unxpblkrelcnt) ||'/'| | sum(unxpblkreucnt) ||'/'|| sum(expstealcnt) || '/'|| sum(expblkrelcnt) ||'/'|| sum(expblkreucnt) blkst from dba_hist_undostat where dbid = :dbid a nd instance_number = :inst_num and end_time > :b_eitvtim e and begin_time < :e_eitvtime group by undotsn Encountered error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small Continuing to Next Section...

這顯然是Oraclebug,檢查metalink,發現果然是10.2.0.4上的bugORA-06502 in AWR Report after upgrade to,Error encountered in Undo Segment Summary. [ID 781878.1]

這個bugBug 7453211中進行描述,接近問題的方法就是應用補丁patch 7453211



來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/4227/viewspace-687903/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
