執行csscan出現loading shared libraries錯誤


在一個11.2.0.2 for Linux X86-64環境中,執行csscan工具報錯。




[oracle@dbserver2 ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
[oracle@dbserver2 bin]$ csscan help=y
csscan: error while loading shared libraries: libclntsh.so.11.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

檢查metalink,在文件ID 742070.1中提到,導致這個問題的原因是沒有正確的設定LD_LIBRARY_PATH環境變數,將$ORACLE_HOME/lib新增到這個環境變數中可以避免錯誤的產生:

[oracle@dbserver2 bin]$ env|grep LD_LIB
[oracle@dbserver2 bin]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[oracle@dbserver2 bin]$ csscan help=y

Character Set Scanner v2.2 : Release - Production on Mon Jun 6 17:46:04 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

You can let Scanner prompt you for parameters by entering the CSSCAN       
command followed by your username/password:                                

  Example: CSSCAN \"SYSTEM/MANAGER AS SYSDBA\"                         

Or, you can control how Scanner runs by entering the CSSCAN command        
followed by various parameters. To specify parameters, you use keywords:   


Keyword    Default Prompt Description                                      
---------- ------- ------ -------------------------------------------------
USERID             yes    username/password                                
FULL       N       yes    scan entire database                             
USER               yes    owner of tables to be scanned                    
TABLE              yes    list of tables to scan                           
COLUMN             yes    list of columns to scan                           
EXCLUDE                   list of tables to exclude from scan              
TOCHAR             yes    new database character set name                  
FROMCHAR                  current database character set name              
TONCHAR                   new national character set name                  
FROMNCHAR                 current national character set name              
ARRAY      1024000 yes    size of array fetch buffer                       
PROCESS    1       yes    number of concurrent scan process                
MAXBLOCKS                 split table if block size exceed MAXBLOCKS       
CAPTURE    N              capture convertible data                         
SUPPRESS                  maximum number of exceptions logged for each table
FEEDBACK                  report progress every N rows                     
BOUNDARIES                list of column size boundaries for summary report
LASTRPT    N              generate report of the last database scan        
LOG        scan           base file name of report files                   
PARFILE                   parameter file name                              
PRESERVE   N              preserve existing scan results                   
LCSD       N       no     enable language and character set detection      
LCSDDATA   LOSSY   no     define the scope of the detection                
HELP       N              show help screen (this screen)                   
QUERY      N              select clause to scan subset of tables or columns
---------- ------- ------ -------------------------------------------------
Scanner terminated successfully.


[oracle@dbserver1 ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
[oracle@dbserver1 bin]$ csscan help=y

Character Set Scanner v2.2 : Release - Production on Mon Sep 5 17:47:18 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

You can let Scanner prompt you for parameters by entering the CSSCAN       
command followed by your username/password:                                

  Example: CSSCAN \"SYSTEM/MANAGER AS SYSDBA\"                         

Or, you can control how Scanner runs by entering the CSSCAN command        
followed by various parameters. To specify parameters, you use keywords:   


Keyword    Default Prompt Description                                      
---------- ------- ------ -------------------------------------------------
USERID             yes    username/password                                
FULL       N       yes    scan entire database                             
USER               yes    owner of tables to be scanned                    
TABLE              yes    list of tables to scan                           
COLUMN             yes    list of columns to scan                           
EXCLUDE                   list of tables to exclude from scan              
TOCHAR             yes    new database character set name                  
FROMCHAR                  current database character set name              
TONCHAR                   new national character set name                  
FROMNCHAR                 current national character set name               
ARRAY      1024000 yes    size of array fetch buffer                       
PROCESS    1       yes    number of concurrent scan process                
MAXBLOCKS                 split table if block size exceed MAXBLOCKS       
CAPTURE    N              capture convertible data                         
SUPPRESS                  maximum number of exceptions logged for each table
FEEDBACK                  report progress every N rows                     
BOUNDARIES                list of column size boundaries for summary report
LASTRPT    N              generate report of the last database scan        
LOG        scan           base file name of report files                   
PARFILE                   parameter file name                              
PRESERVE   N              preserve existing scan results                   
LCSD       N       no     enable language and character set detection      
LCSDDATA   LOSSY   no     define the scope of the detection                
HELP       N              show help screen (this screen)                   
QUERY      N              select clause to scan subset of tables or columns
---------- ------- ------ -------------------------------------------------
Scanner terminated successfully.
[oracle@dbserver1 bin]$ env|grep LD_LIB



來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/2317695/viewspace-2056305/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
