Nightwatch.js 是一個易於使用,基於Node.js的End-to-End(E2E)測試解決方案,用於基於瀏覽器的App和網站。簡單但強大的語法,能夠讓你快速編寫測試,只需使用Javascript 和 CSS 選擇器。
2) Pomelo
3) Jade Lang
Jane lang 是Node.js最流行的資源和模板引擎。
4) Vowsjs
5) Broccoli
Broccoliis是一個新的構建工具。It’s comparable to the Rails asset pipeline in scope,though it runs on Node and is backend-agnostic.
6) Taunus
NOde.js的一個 MVC 引擎。Taunus focuses on delivering a progressively enhancedexperience to the end-user, while providing a reasonable developmentexperience as well. Taunus prioritizes content. It usesserver-side rendering to get content to your humans as fast as possible, and ituses client-side rendering to improve their experience.
7) NodeInspector
Node Inspector是一個用於Node.js應用程式的偵錯程式介面,使用了 Blink 開發者工具。
8) Nodejs
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easilybuilding fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven,non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect fordata-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.
9) NodeRed
Node-RED 是 IBM Emerging Technology團隊建立的一個新開源工具,它允許您通過組合各部件來編寫應用程式。這些部件可以是硬體裝置、Web API或線上服務。輕量級執行期是建立在Node.js之上,充分利用了事件驅動,非阻塞模式。
10) Docs Nodejitsu is an open source project and is curatedby the Nodejitsu team and friends. Ifyou have articles or ideas that you would like to contribute, we’d very muchlike to accept your pull request!
11) Cylonjs
Cylon.js 是一個 JavaScript 框架,用來進行機器人以及物聯網開發。Cylon.js使得開發人員可以使用同樣的API來操縱不同的裝置,這些裝置的名單正在逐漸擴大,包括Leap Motion,Pebble手錶,Arduinos和RaspberryPis等等。
12) Expressjs
Express是一個最小、靈活的Node.js Web應用程式框架,它為Web和移動應用程式提供了一套強大的功能。
13) Stylus