opatch命令報錯Inventory is corrupted
[orat3@hpserver2 OPatch]$ ./opatch lsinventory
Invoking OPatch
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Oracle Home :
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory
from : /etc/oraInst.loc
OPatch version :
OUI version :
OUI location :
Log file location :
Patch history file: /t3/orat3/product/10.2.0/db_4.10/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
OPatch failed to locate Central Inventory.
Possible causes are:
The Central Inventory is corrupted
The oraInst.loc file specified is not
LsInventorySession failed: OPatch failed to locate Central Inventory.
Possible causes are:
The Central Inventory is corrupted
The oraInst.loc file specified is not
OPatch failed with error code 73
[root@hpserver2 ~]# cd /etc/
[root@hpserver2 etc]# vi oraInst.loc
[orat3@hpserver2 OPatch]$ ./opatch lsinventory
Invoking OPatch
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Oracle Home :
Central Inventory : /t0/orat0/app/oracle/oraInventory
from : /etc/oraInst.loc
OPatch version :
OUI version :
OUI location :
Log file location : /t3/orat3/product/10.2.0/db_4.10/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2012-04-11_14-28-18PM.log
Patch history file: /t3/orat3/product/10.2.0/db_4.10/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
List of Homes on this system:
Home name=
OraDb10g_home1, Location= "/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1"
Home name= OraDb11g_home1, Location=
Home name= Ora11g_gridinfrahome1,
Location= "/u02/app/grid"
Home name= OraDb10g_home2, Location=
Home name= OraDb10g_home3, Location=
Inventory load failed... OPatch cannot load inventory for the given Oracle
Possible causes are:
Oracle Home dir. path does not exist
in Central Inventory
Oracle Home is a symbolic link
Oracle Home inventory is corrupted
LsInventorySession failed: OracleHomeInventory gets null oracleHomeInfo
OPatch failed with error code 73
[root@hpserver2 ~]# su - orat0
[orat0@hpserver2 ~]$ cd $ORACLE_BASE
[orat0@hpserver2 oracle]$ cd oraInventory/
[orat0@hpserver2 oraInventory]$ cd ContentsXML/
[orat0@hpserver2 ContentsXML]$ vi inventory.xml
<!-- Copyright (c) 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights Reserved -->
<!-- Do not modify the contents of this file by hand. -->
"inventory.xml" 18L, 786C written
[orat3@hpserver2 OPatch]$ ./opatch lsinventory
Invoking OPatch
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Oracle Home :
Central Inventory : /t0/orat0/app/oracle/oraInventory
from : /etc/oraInst.loc
OPatch version :
OUI version :
OUI location :
Log file location :
Patch history file: /t3/orat3/product/10.2.0/db_4.10/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
Lsinventory Output file location : /t3/orat3/product/10.2.0/db_4.10/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2012-04-11_14-31-23PM.txt
Installed Top-level Products (2):
Oracle Database 10g
Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Patch Set 3
There are 2 products installed in this Oracle Home.
Interim patches (2) :
Patch 12827778 : applied on Sat Feb 25 03:57:18 ICT 2012
Unique Patch ID: 14145955
Created on 29 Sep 2011, 00:45:30 hrs
Bugs fixed:
12566124, 12566141, 12566142, 12566126,
12828112, 12566143, 6631533
9573054, 12419397, 12566129,
9714832, 11725015, 10014012, 11787762
11787763, 10249540, 11787764,
10014015, 11787765, 11724977, 9952234
11787766, 10325885, 10248636,
11787767, 10013975, 9173248, 9678690
7609058, 9952272, 9678695, 9678697,
12566131, 9713537, 12566134, 9655017
12827778, 9654991, 12566136,
12566137, 12976521, 12976522, 12566139
12976523, 12976524, 9442335,
10014009, 10325878, 8309642, 12419249
12565867, 12566121
This patch overlays patches:
This patch needs patches:
as prerequisites
Patch 9352164 : applied on Sat Feb 25 03:03:03 ICT 2012
Unique Patch ID: 12307477
Created on 1 Apr 2010, 11:33:14 hrs
Bugs fixed:
9377578, 6418420, 7835247, 7207654,
7592346, 6724797, 7936993, 7331867
9093300, 7535152, 7552067, 5879114,
8866013, 5457450, 8344348, 7272297
7136866, 7196894, 6258480, 7013124,
6512622, 6355586, 7196532, 8568395
8309587, 7557226, 5399699, 6509115,
8568397, 8568398, 7127618, 5701695
6052226, 7424804, 6817593, 7553884,
6741425, 7513673, 6783812, 8437213
6452766, 6469211, 7527650, 8309592,
8479537, 5991038, 5686407, 6945157
7639602, 9119226, 6403091, 7589862,
7552082, 6711853, 8304589, 6052169
8199266, 6327692, 5756769, 9352191,
7460818, 6268409, 8232056, 6687381
6972843, 8230457, 6800507, 7027551,
6778714, 6200820, 6645719, 7393804
6775231, 3934160, 6683178, 6650256,
5085288, 7528105, 7329252, 6378112
6151380, 6844866, 4723109, 8544896,
5126719, 5890312, 5934363, 7036453
7610362, 8426816, 8433026, 7270434,
7172531, 6451626, 8247855, 5497338
6324944, 6874522, 7175513, 6960489,
7341598, 8576156, 6797677, 8342923
5895190, 6756739, 7150470, 7593835,
7356443, 7044551, 8227106, 4695511
7298688, 5747462, 8556340, 7197445,
5348308, 7937113, 8341623, 7569205
8409848, 6053134, 6163771, 6851669,
6181488, 6375150, 6825866, 7210921
7295780, 6345573, 7033630, 6954722,
6824129, 7523475, 7457766, 7309458
8324577, 6840740, 6804746, 7375611,
8268054, 6981690, 6512811, 6988017
7375613, 8344399, 7340448, 8362683,
7375617, 8251247, 5933656, 6005347
9145204, 6599920, 7238230, 6379441,
6452375, 6352003, 6833965, 7136489
6610218, 7612639, 6392076, 7225204,
9119194, 5476236, 9442328, 7609057
7609058, 6605106, 6374297, 6193945,
4693355, 8217795, 7039896, 7432514
7330909, 6952701, 7190270, 8287155,
7587008, 7207932, 6802650, 7189447
8481935, 4598439, 9442331, 6615740,
7155655, 6749617, 9442335, 7159505
5868257, 5727166, 7173005, 6917874,
9442339, 7013768, 7691766, 7385253
7291739, 7225720, 7257770, 7363767,
7244238, 6941717, 8267348, 7710551
8354686, 7247217, 8328954, 7299153,
8909984, 6681695, 8702276, 9119284
8217011, 7661251, 6265559, 6823287,
6991626, 6954829, 5259835, 6500033
5923486, 7432601, 7022234, 8534387,
5147386, 7697802, 6653934, 7375644
6490140, 7662491, 8331466, 5623467,
6070225, 6635214, 7396409, 6638558
7038750, 6714608, 6838714, 6870937,
7219752, 7263842, 7278117, 6882739
5404871, 8836667, 8373286, 7393292,
6678845, 6903051, 7936793, 6600051
7155248, 4966512, 7155249, 7197637,
8836308, 8568402, 8568404, 8568405
8431487, 5704108, 6343150, 7280764,
6923450, 7643632, 6145177, 8836671
8310931, 6640411, 8347704, 8836675,
7155250, 7155251, 8836677, 7155252
8836678, 7155253, 8292378, 7155254,
6219529, 7411865, 8227091, 8340379
7276960, 6145687, 7659217, 5863926,
7022905, 6852598, 7123643, 6596564
6413089, 6851438, 8836681, 8836683,
8836684, 8836686, 7579469, 7494333
7315642, 8340383, 6786022, 8340387,
6926448, 7600026, 7462072, 6679303
8815639, 7197583, 7172752, 7326645,
7008262, 9173244, 9173248, 7573151
8490879, 7477934, 6725634, 6733655,
6799205, 6980597, 7499353, 6084232
6014513, 7140204, 7254987, 8833280,
6647480, 6120004, 7693128, 6760697
6051177, 8247215, 6858062, 7189645,
6844739, 6768251, 7196863, 5630796
7378661, 7378735, 5970301, 6705822,
8290506, 6658484, 7599944, 9173253
8309623, 7125408, 7257461, 6987790,
7568556, 6919819, 8886674, 5883691
6955744, 7801939, 6074620, 7149004,
6857917, 8283650, 6445948, 5929055
6110752, 7552042, 8210889, 8287504,
6506617, 7306915, 6271590, 5386204
6976005, 8330783, 7606362, 5377242,
7043989, 8309632, 7575925, 6870047
8309637, 5902053, 8309639, 7028176,
6827260, 7588384, 4726401, 6720712
5910650, 6752765, 6971433, 6024730,
8315482, 6628122, 8239142, 9352164
5695562, 4637902, 7345904, 8309642,
6994160, 8556586, 6404447, 8220734
6919764, 7597354, 7523787, 6029179,
5231155, 6455659
OPatch succeeded.
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