在10.2.0.4 DATA GUARD的STANDBY資料庫中,出現了大量的ORA-1009錯誤。
Thu May 31 14:11:16 2012
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 1009 fetching archived redo log from orcl
Thu May 31 14:11:16 2012
Errors in file /opt/app/oradir/admin/orcl_st/bdump/orcl_st_mrp0_23866.trc:
ORA-01009: missing mandatory parameter
Thu May 31 14:11:46 2012
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 1009 fetching archived redo log from orcl
Thu May 31 14:11:46 2012
Errors in file /opt/app/oradir/admin/orcl_st/bdump/orcl_st_mrp0_23866.trc:
ORA-01009: missing mandatory parameter
Thu May 31 14:12:16 2012
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 1009 fetching archived redo log from orcl
Thu May 31 14:12:16 2012
Errors in file /opt/app/oradir/admin/orcl_st/bdump/orcl_st_mrp0_23866.trc:
ORA-01009: missing mandatory parameter
Thu May 31 14:12:46 2012
FAL[client]: Failed to request gap sequence
GAP - thread 1 sequence 17433-17449
DBID 1280669543 branch 752888810
FAL[client]: All defined FAL servers have been attempted.
*** 2012-05-31 14:11:16.139
Redo shipping client performing standby login
*** 2012-05-31 14:11:16.203 66535 kcrr.c
Logged on to standby successfully
Client logon and security negotiation successful!
*** 2012-05-31 14:11:16.208 62692 kcrr.c
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 1009 fetching archived redo log from orcl
ORA-01009: missing mandatory parameter
*** 2012-05-31 14:11:46.233
Redo shipping client performing standby login
*** 2012-05-31 14:11:46.316 66535 kcrr.c
Logged on to standby successfully
Client logon and security negotiation successful!
*** 2012-05-31 14:11:46.321 62692 kcrr.c
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 1009 fetching archived redo log from orcl
ORA-01009: missing mandatory parameter
*** 2012-05-31 14:12:16.335
Redo shipping client performing standby login
*** 2012-05-31 14:12:16.398 66535 kcrr.c
Logged on to standby successfully
Client logon and security negotiation successful!
*** 2012-05-31 14:12:16.402 62692 kcrr.c
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 1009 fetching archived redo log from orcl
ORA-01009: missing mandatory parameter
*** 2012-05-31 14:12:46.428
Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version:
System parameters with non-default values:
processes = 5000
sessions = 5505
streams_pool_size = 1073741824
nls_date_format = YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS
sga_target = 16290676736
control_files = /home/oracle/setupFiles/stdby.ctl
db_block_size = 8192
compatible =
log_archive_dest_state_1 = ENABLE
log_archive_dest_state_2 = ENABLE
log_archive_max_processes= 4
log_archive_format = %t_%s_%r.ARC
fal_server = orcl
db_file_multiblock_read_count= 16
db_create_file_dest = +DATADG
db_recovery_file_dest = +FRADG
db_recovery_file_dest_size= 1279157862400
undo_management = AUTO
undo_tablespace = UNDOTBS1
undo_retention = 3600
remote_login_passwordfile= EXCLUSIVE
db_domain =
global_names = TRUE
dispatchers = (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=orclXDB)
utl_file_dir = *
job_queue_processes = 0
background_dump_dest = /opt/app/oradir/admin/orcl_st/bdump
user_dump_dest = /opt/app/oradir/admin/orcl_st/udump
core_dump_dest = /opt/app/oradir/admin/orcl_st/cdump
audit_file_dest = /opt/app/oradir/admin/orcl_st/adump
open_links = 12
db_name = orcl
db_unique_name = orcl_st
open_cursors = 5000
pga_aggregate_target = 6509559808
aq_tm_processes = 4
PMON started with pid=2, OS id=28406
PSP0 started with pid=3, OS id=28408
MMAN started with pid=4, OS id=28410
DBW0 started with pid=5, OS id=28412
DBW1 started with pid=6, OS id=28414
DBW2 started with pid=7, OS id=28416
DBW3 started with pid=8, OS id=28418
DBW4 started with pid=9, OS id=28420
DBW5 started with pid=10, OS id=28422
DBW6 started with pid=11, OS id=28424
DBW7 started with pid=12, OS id=28426
LGWR started with pid=13, OS id=28428
CKPT started with pid=14, OS id=28430
SMON started with pid=15, OS id=28432
RECO started with pid=16, OS id=28434
MMON started with pid=17, OS id=28436
Thu May 31 13:00:46 2012
starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address
在印象中FAL_CLIENT的作用似乎並不大,主要是透過FAL_SERVER來確定獲取GAP的PRIMARY資料庫,莫非缺少CLIENT的設定也會導致異常。查詢了MOS,發現果然如此。在FAL request Failed with ORA-01009 on Standby MRP trace. [ID 1329119.1]文章中對這個問題進行了說明,從11.2以後,FAL_CLIENT不再需要設定,但是對應11.2之前的版本,缺少FAL_CLIENT的設定就會導致ORA-1009的錯誤。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- 9.2 STANDBY資料庫出現ORA-16009錯誤資料庫
- 做standby 資料庫時,出現ORA-12560 錯誤:資料庫
- ASM上恢復STANDBY資料庫出現ORA-15173錯誤ASM資料庫
- 物理Standby資料庫及邏輯Standby資料庫(Physical Standby & Logical Standby)資料庫
- ORACLE 使用DBCA安裝資料庫出現錯誤Oracle資料庫
- ORA-17629:rman建立 standby資料庫時報錯資料庫
- SQL Server資料庫出現邏輯錯誤的資料恢復SQLServer資料庫資料恢復
- 部署STANDBY資料庫資料庫
- 資料庫啟動出現ORA-27037錯誤資料庫
- 關閉資料庫出現ORA-21779錯誤資料庫
- solaris上建立oracle資料庫出現:out of memory 錯誤Oracle資料庫
- 啟動資料庫出現ORA-9925錯誤資料庫
- RAC環境的STANDBY資料庫備份報錯資料庫
- 啟動資料庫出現ORA-27123錯誤資料庫
- 資料庫啟動出現ORA-27102錯誤資料庫
- Oracle Standby資料庫建立Oracle資料庫
- standby資料庫的研究!資料庫
- Dedecms錯誤警告:連線資料庫失敗,出錯怎麼解決?資料庫
- Error infos: DedeCms錯誤警告:連線資料庫失敗,可能資料庫密碼不對或資料庫伺服器出錯!Error資料庫密碼伺服器
- Error infos:DedeCms錯誤警告:連線資料庫失敗,可能資料庫密碼不對或資料庫伺服器出錯!Error資料庫密碼伺服器
- 連線資料庫出錯???資料庫
- DBCA建庫導致已有資料庫出現ORA-27140錯誤資料庫
- SQL Server DACPAC資料庫部署錯誤SQLServer資料庫
- 資料庫ORA-0060錯誤資料庫
- Oracle9i mount資料庫出現ORA-32700錯誤Oracle資料庫
- AIX系統啟動資料庫出現ORA-27504錯誤AI資料庫
- sqlplus直連資料庫出現ORA-27504錯誤SQL資料庫
- SWITCHOVER RAC資料庫出現ORA-600(kcctrdf_2)錯誤資料庫
- 資料庫啟動出現ORA-30036錯誤資料庫
- 訪問資料庫出現Object reference not set to an instance of an object錯誤資料庫Object
- 在做oracle standby時,出現ORA-12557錯誤.Oracle
- Dedecms錯誤警告:連線資料庫失敗,可能資料庫密碼不對或資料庫伺服器出錯怎麼解決?資料庫密碼伺服器
- 利用RMAN建立STANDBY資料庫資料庫
- RAC資料庫建立STANDBY(六)資料庫
- RAC資料庫建立STANDBY(五)資料庫
- RAC資料庫建立STANDBY(四)資料庫
- RAC資料庫建立STANDBY(三)資料庫