


  1. - -使索引失效的兩條語句
  2. alter index index_name disable ;

  3. alter index index_name unusable


disable 方式只能適用於函式索引 ,而當使用unusable方式時,索引需要rebuild或者直接drop。 官方說明如下:

點選( 此處)摺疊或開啟

  1. DISABLE Clause

  2. DISABLE applies only to a function -based index . This clause lets you disable the use of a function -based index . You might want to do so , for example , while working on the body of the function . Afterward you can either rebuild the index or specify another ALTER INDEX statement with the ENABLE keyword .

點選( 此處)摺疊或開啟

  1. UNUSABLE Clause

  2. Specify UNUSABLE to mark the index or index partition (s ) or index subpartition (s ) UNUSABLE . An unusable index must be rebuilt , or dropped and re -created , before it can be used . While one partition is marked UNUSABLE , the other partitions of the index are still valid . You can execute statements that require the index if the statements do not access the unusable partition . You can also split or rename the unusable partition before rebuilding it .

  3. Restriction on Marking Indexes Unusable
  4. You cannot specify this clause for an index on a temporary table .

點選( 此處)摺疊或開啟

  1. - -使索引生效語句

  2. alter index index_name enable ;

  3. alter index index_name rebuild

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