


  1. 一類是洗腦,告訴你應該如何看待專案管理中的一些事情。什麼是重要的,什麼應該被重視。
  2. 一類是工具,就一些具體問題,提供行之有效的操作備忘錄指導。

整體可打4星。適合作為手冊,遇到問題時查閱。97 things 系列圖書一貫兩份目錄,一是正常按篇目順序,一是按技巧分類。


  • 短小:每篇都在兩頁篇幅內完成,一目十行的朋友分分鐘可看完。
  • 多人蔘與:53位撰稿人97篇文章,每人分享了自己的觀點和經驗,覆蓋了專案管理的方方面面。


  • 短小:很多話題淺嘗輒止,點到的那一下似乎又沒點到點子上,或者說剛撓到地方,但還沒止癢。
  • 多人蔘與:文章質量高低不齊,有人善於表達,有理有據說得清楚,有人可能差點兒勁。

這本書每一篇英文原版都已經基於Creative Commons, Attribution 3在網上公開,地址是:http://pm.97things.oreilly.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page。使用時必須指出文章的出處和作者。

補充1:veldts問“97”的來歷,搜到Mirko Stocker在InfoQ上這樣說

It's a strong prime :-)

Which is, of course, true, but neither particularly useful nor the actual reason. It's 97 because that is conveniently close to 100 without actually being 100 or trying too obviously not to be (e.g., 99 and 101). It's around 100 because that allows for a diverse range of short items, each occupying two pages in printed form, and amounts to a reasonably sized book. The specific number 97 was chosen by Richard Monson-Haefel, editor of 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know, the first book in the series – by definition, all other books in the 97 Things series are somewhat bound to follow the mould!

Significantly fewer items and either the items would be longer, less diverse and more like ordinary articles, which would discourage people from contributing, or the resulting book would be more like a pamphlet. Significantly more items and the items would either have to be shorter, making them little more than abstracts, or the resulting book would be too long for what it's trying to do.
