


  1. --初始化建表
  2. declare
  3.   v_count number;
  4. begin
  5.   select count(1) into v_count from dba_tables where owner='SCOTT' and table_name='T_STAT_TEMP';
  6.   if v_count=1 then
  7.     execute immediate 'truncate table scott.t_stat_temp';
  8.   else
  9.     execute immediate 'create table scott.t_stat_temp(snap_id integer,name varchar2(100),value int)';
  10.   end if;
  11. end;

  12. --Run1執行前收集
  13. --可從v$mystat中得到當前會話id,或從v$session中得到某會話id
  14. insert into scott.t_stat_temp
  15. select 1,,b.value
  16. from v$statname a,v$sesstat b
  17. where a.statistic#=b.statistic# and b.sid=46
  18. and in ('table scans (long tables)','bytes received via SQL*Net from client',
  19. 'bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink','consistent changes','consistent gets',
  20. 'CPU used by this session','physical reads','physical writes','session pga memory','session pga memory max',
  21. 'session uga memory','session logical reads','session uga memory max','sorts (disk)','sorts (memory)','table fetch continued row',
  22. 'opened cursors cumulative','opened cursors current','DDL statements parallelized','DML statements parallelized','queries parallelized',
  23. 'buffer is not pinned count','parse time cpu','redo blocks written','redo buffer allocation retries','redo entries',
  24. 'redo log space requests','redo size','redo synch time','redo synch writes','redo wastage','redo write time',
  25. 'redo writer latching time','redo writes');
  26. commit;

  27. /*執行語句或等待某會話執行*/

  28. --Run1執行後收集
  29. insert into scott.t_stat_temp
  30. select 2,,b.value
  31. from v$statname a,v$sesstat b
  32. where a.statistic#=b.statistic# and b.sid=46
  33. and in ('table scans (long tables)','bytes received via SQL*Net from client',
  34. 'bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink','consistent changes','consistent gets',
  35. 'CPU used by this session','physical reads','physical writes','session pga memory','session pga memory max',
  36. 'session uga memory','session logical reads','session uga memory max','sorts (disk)','sorts (memory)','table fetch continued row',
  37. 'opened cursors cumulative','opened cursors current','DDL statements parallelized','DML statements parallelized','queries parallelized',
  38. 'buffer is not pinned count','parse time cpu','redo blocks written','redo buffer allocation retries','redo entries',
  39. 'redo log space requests','redo size','redo synch time','redo synch writes','redo wastage','redo write time',
  40. 'redo writer latching time','redo writes');
  41. commit;

  42. --檢視Run1的statistics
  43. select,a.value begin_value,b.value end_value,b.value-a.value diff
  44. from scott.t_stat_temp a, scott.t_stat_temp b
  45. where and a.snap_id=1 and b.snap_id=2
  46. order by 1 ;

  47. --若要對比Run2,繼續
  48. --Run2執行前收集
  49. --可從v$mystat中得到當前會話id,或從v$session中得到某會話id
  50. insert into scott.t_stat_temp
  51. select 3,,b.value
  52. from v$statname a,v$sesstat b
  53. where a.statistic#=b.statistic# and b.sid=46
  54. and in ('table scans (long tables)','bytes received via SQL*Net from client',
  55. 'bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink','consistent changes','consistent gets',
  56. 'CPU used by this session','physical reads','physical writes','session pga memory','session pga memory max',
  57. 'session uga memory','session logical reads','session uga memory max','sorts (disk)','sorts (memory)','table fetch continued row',
  58. 'opened cursors cumulative','opened cursors current','DDL statements parallelized','DML statements parallelized','queries parallelized',
  59. 'buffer is not pinned count','parse time cpu','redo blocks written','redo buffer allocation retries','redo entries',
  60. 'redo log space requests','redo size','redo synch time','redo synch writes','redo wastage','redo write time',
  61. 'redo writer latching time','redo writes');
  62. commit;
  63. /*執行語句或等待某會話執行*/

  64. --Run2執行後收集
  65. insert into scott.t_stat_temp
  66. select 4,,b.value
  67. from v$statname a,v$sesstat b
  68. where a.statistic#=b.statistic# and b.sid=46
  69. and in ('table scans (long tables)','bytes received via SQL*Net from client',
  70. 'bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink','consistent changes','consistent gets',
  71. 'CPU used by this session','physical reads','physical writes','session pga memory','session pga memory max',
  72. 'session uga memory','session logical reads','session uga memory max','sorts (disk)','sorts (memory)','table fetch continued row',
  73. 'opened cursors cumulative','opened cursors current','DDL statements parallelized','DML statements parallelized','queries parallelized',
  74. 'buffer is not pinned count','parse time cpu','redo blocks written','redo buffer allocation retries','redo entries',
  75. 'redo log space requests','redo size','redo synch time','redo synch writes','redo wastage','redo write time',
  76. 'redo writer latching time','redo writes');
  77. commit;

  78. --檢視Run2的statistics
  79. select,a.value begin_value,b.value end_value,b.value-a.value diff
  80. from scott.t_stat_temp a, scott.t_stat_temp b
  81. where and a.snap_id=3 and b.snap_id=4
  82. order by 1 ;

  83. --Run1,Run2 statistics對比
  84. select,c.begin_value run1_begin_value,c.end_value run2_end_value,
  85. d.begin_value run2_begin_value,d.end_value run2_end_value,
  86. c.end_value-c.begin_value run1_diff,d.end_value-d.begin_value run2_diff,
  87. (d.end_value-d.begin_value)-(c.end_value-c.begin_value) run1_run2_diff
  88. from ( select,a.value begin_value,b.value end_value,b.value-a.value diff
  89. from scott.t_stat_temp a, scott.t_stat_temp b
  90. where and a.snap_id=1 and b.snap_id=2) c,
  91. ( select,a.value begin_value,b.value end_value,b.value-a.value diff
  92. from scott.t_stat_temp a, scott.t_stat_temp b
  93. where and a.snap_id=3 and b.snap_id=4) d
  94. where
  95. order by 1;

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
