


2009-11-17 12:58:33

剛開始翻譯一本新書,《The Web Startup Success Guide》。剛剛翻譯到的一段話,讓我感覺到一點激動,第一次在麻木的翻譯生涯中,因為翻譯的內容本身讓我有一點激動。

譯文如下: “……………… 但是為什麼要離開相對安穩的公司生活,又不想求助於風險投資把自己帶到全球的資本市場中,偏偏要去搞什麼初創公司呢?這個問題的答案仁者見仁,智者見智——要知道初創公司世界裡最不缺少的就是特立獨行。





我願意翻譯,為了錢,也不僅僅為了錢。 我願意活著,為了錢,也不僅僅為了錢。 有時候,我們都只是想要一份尊嚴,而錢,僅僅是給那些不明真相的圍觀者一個世俗的交代。

附原文: So why leave the relatively safe harbors of corporate life or consulting to venture into the global market and launch a startup? Specific motivations are as varied as the people who have them—and people in the startup world tend to be anything but homogeneous.

A startup can be about making money—and we will be focusing on that part of building a successful startup a great deal in this book—but not always so. Given how low the costs of web apps have fallen in recent years, you may decide that making money is not one of the reasons you want to build a startup. You might be motivated by simple love of coding and a desire to share something you built with others who may have the same problem you’ve solved.

But if I had to guess your motivation, I’d bet that the chance to make some serious, life-changing money was at the top of the list, with a close second the keen desire not to be told what to do and how to do by people who couldn’t code/design their way out of a paper bag.

Good for you! That’s where I’m coming from and what motivates to a lesser or greater degree nearly all of the people in this industry since it became an industry. And while some may sniff that money can’t buy you happiness, not having money guarantees you unhappiness.


