【SQL】使用v$license檢視獲得自啟動以來資料庫曾經達到的最大 session 數

sys@psdb> select SESSIONS_HIGHWATER from v$license;





This view contains information about license limits.

Column Datatype Description
SESSIONS_MAX NUMBER Maximum number of concurrent user sessions allowed for the instance
SESSIONS_WARNING NUMBER Warning limit for concurrent user sessions for the instance
SESSIONS_CURRENT NUMBER Current number of concurrent user sessions
SESSIONS_HIGHWATER NUMBER Highest number of concurrent user sessions since the instance started
USERS_MAX NUMBER Maximum number of named users allowed for the database
CPU_COUNT_CURRENT NUMBER Current number of logical CPUs or processors on the system
CPU_CORE_COUNT_CURRENT NUMBER Current number of CPU cores on the system (includes subcores of multicore CPUs, as well as single-core CPUs)
CPU_SOCKET_COUNT_CURRENT NUMBER Current number of CPU sockets on the system (represents an absolute count of CPU chips on the system, regardless of multithreading or multicore architectures)
CPU_COUNT_HIGHWATER NUMBER Highest number of logical CPUs or processors on the system since the instance started
CPU_CORE_COUNT_HIGHWATER NUMBER Highest number of CPU cores on the system since the instance started (includes subcores of multicore CPUs, as well as single-core CPUs)
CPU_SOCKET_COUNT_HIGHWATER NUMBER Highest number of CPU sockets on the system since the instance started (represents an absolute count of CPU chips on the system, regardless of multithreading or multicore architectures)

-- The End --

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/519536/viewspace-598142/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
