【併購之我見】Oracle's acquisition of Sun
7.8 磅
The merging of the two companies seems
interesting and is sure to have a large impact on the IT industry. You know
Oracle is like a merchant and SUN seems to be a scholar because it’s active in
the open source community. So just think of it, a merchant married a scholar.
Let’s wait and see whether this marriage will be happy. Of course to make this
marriage a happy one Oracle needs to rationalize the product portfolio of the both.
Java of course is the greatest driver for this acquisition. Java is an industry
standard so to own java means to control the industry standard. With Java,
Oracle can say no to .Net. So Oracle of course will continue to support the
Java community. Well, I’m worried about the future of MySQL. MySQL is an open
source product without much profit so whether Oracle will make it die a slow
death. Well, I think to make MySQL an addition to the Oracle portfolio might be
the best choice. If Oracle gives up MySQL that means it has to persuade small
and middle business to purchase the expensive Oracle and obviously that’s impossible,
so to keep MySQL as a complement is a good choice. Oracle database targets the
high-end market while MySQL focuses on the SMB. Of course there is still some
fear of the future of MySQL. Since MySQL is open source the community is driven
by e-pals, especially some database experts. After the acquisition MySQL is
like a stepson and without the strong support from his parents it’s sure to
lose many supporters. This M&A also indicates the future of open source.
Open source is like a pig. When it grows fatter everyone wants to kill and eat it.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/519536/viewspace-591398/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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