Go team 訪談上線
關注Go的同學注意了。Go在Google IO 2012的四個視訊全部上線了。這段1小時的爐邊對話尤其有趣。截圖中左邊的Robert說他曾對最右邊的ken大吼,(觀眾大笑)。中間的是rob問ken有沒有yell back?有興趣的同學一定要看看。
"Go concurrency patterns" by +Rob Pike https://developers.google.com/events/io/sessions/gooio2012/322/
"Go in production," a panel hosted by +Andrew Gerrand https://developers.google.com/events/io/sessions/gooio2012/320/
"Meet the Go team" a fireside chat with the core Go team https://developers.google.com/events/io/sessions/gooio2012/321/
"Computing Map tiles with Go on App Engine" by +Chris Broadfoot and +Andrew Gerrand https://developers.google.com/events/io/sessions/gooio2012/902/
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