Name |
Expanded Name |
Short Description |
Long Description |
External Properties |
DIA0 |
Diagnostic Process |
ASM and Database instances |
Diagnostic Capture Process |
ASM and Database instances |
GTXn |
Global Transaction Process |
Provides transparent support for XA global transactions in an Oracle RAC environment |
These processes help maintain the global information about XA global transactions throughout the cluster. Also, the processes help perform two-phase commit for global transactions anywhere in the cluster so that an Oracle RAC database behaves as a single system to the externally coordinated distributed transactions. The GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES initialization parameter specifies the number of GTXn processes, where n is 0-9 or a-j. The database automatically tunes the number of these processes based on the workload of XA global transactions. You can disable these processes by setting the parameter to 0. If you try to run XA global transactions with these process disabled, an error is returned. See Also: |
Database instance, Oracle |
LCK0 |
Instance Enqueue Background Process |
Manages global enqueue requests and cross-instance broadcasts |
The process handles all requests for resources other than data blocks. For examples, LCK0 manages library and row cache requests. |
Database and ASM instances, Oracle RAC |
Global Cache/Enqueue Service Heartbeat Monitor |
Monitor the heartbeat of LMON, LMD, and LMSn processes |
LMHB monitors LMON, LMD, and LMSn processes to ensure they are running normally without blocking or spinning. |
Database and ASM instances, Oracle RAC |
Memory Manager Process |
Serves as the instance memory manager |
This process performs the resizing of memory components on the instance. |
Database and ASM instances |
Manageability Monitor Lite Process |
Performs tasks relating to manageability, including active session history sampling and metrics computation |
MMNL performs many tasks relating to manageability, including session history capture and metrics computation. |
Database and ASM instances |
Manageability Monitor Process |
Performs or schedules many manageability tasks |
MMON performs many tasks related to manageability, including taking Automatic Workload Repository snapshots and performing Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor analysis. |
Database and ASM instances |
Recoverer Process |
Resolves distributed transactions that are pending because of a network or system failure in a distributed database |
RECO uses the information in the pending transaction table to finalize the status of in-doubt transactions. At timed intervals, the local RECO attempts to connect to remote databases and automatically complete the commit or rollback of the local portion of any pending distributed transactions. All transactions automatically resolved by RECO are removed from the pending transaction table. See Also: and |
Database instance |
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