

OS: HP B.11.23

DB: oracle 10205

症狀: 資料庫無法登陸,sqlplus / as sysdba報告如下錯誤

Thu Jul 05 21:41:59 EDT 2012

Errors in file /d_db00/app/oracle/admin/justin/udump/justin_ora_7569.trc:

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [] [SIGFPE] [HP Conditional trap] [0xC00000000751993B] [] []


justin[help]:/d_orasw/dba>more /d_db00/app/oracle/admin/justin/udump/justin_ora_7569.trc


Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

ORACLE_HOME = /d_db00/app/oracle/product/db_1

System name:    HP-UX

Node name:      justin

Release:        B.11.23

Version:        U

Machine:        9000/800

Instance name: justin

Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

Oracle process number: 0

Unix process pid: 7569, image: oracle@justin


Exception signal: 8 (SIGFPE), code: 13 (HP Conditional trap), addr: 0xc00000000751993b, PC: [0xc000000007519938, M-^@]


  r1: c0000000073060d8       r22: 7020686561700000       sr4:          e975400

  rp: c0000000075198a7      arg3: 8000000100159880       sr0:          f35e800

  r3: 800003ffbfffab90      arg2:                0       sr1:          7f22000

  r4: 800003ffbfffa6e0      arg1:                2       sr2:                0

  r5: c0000000075190d8      arg0:              552       sr3:                0

  r6: 8000000100013a68        dp: 800003ffbffcbc00       sr5:          e9e3800

  r7:              551      ret0: 8000000100157094       sr6:          7f22000

  r8:                0      ret1:              551       sr7:          f35e800

  r9:                1        sp: 800003ffbfffab90       cr0:    10000013dd9c0

 r10:                0       r31: ffffffffffffffff       cr8:        700000000

 r11:                4       sar:               3f       cr9:                0

 r12:                0     pcoqh: c00000000751993b       ccr:                0

 r13:                0     pcsqh:          f35e800      cr12:                0

 r14: 800003ffbfff3758     pcoqt: c00000000751993f      cr13:            faef8

 r15: 40000000013de300     pcsqt:          f35e800      cr24:           e04378

 r16:              196      eiem: ffffffffffffffff      cr25:            c4eb0

 r17:               21       iir:          b0024e0      cr26:          3a3a800

 r18: 4000000001bb9180       isr:                0  mpsfu_hi: 800003ffbfe49410

 r19: c000000062880688       ior:                0  mpsfu_lo:         69a4b040

 r20: 7020686561700000      ipsw:          806000f  mpsfu_ov:          20f4d00

 r21: c000000030609e64      goto:            a38bc       pad:       31fb098750

*** 2012-07-05 21:41:59.772

ksedmp: internal or fatal error

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [M-^@] [SIGFPE] [HP Conditional trap] [0xC00000000751993B] [] []

Current SQL information unavailable - no session.

----- Call Stack Trace -----

calling              call     entry                argument values in hex     

location             type     point                (? means dubious value)    

-------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------------

ksedst()+40          ?        ksedst1()            C000000000141988 ?

                                                   4000000001BB9180 ?

                                                   000000000 ?

                                                   20202020676F746F ?

ksedmp()+632         ?        ksedst()             000000000 ?

                                                   20202020676F746F ?

                                                   8000000100159894 ?

                                                   00000004E ?

ssexhd()+1080        ?        ksedmp()             C00000000001354B ?

                                                   C000000000030823 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFFE3E0 ?

                                                   000000000 ?

_sigreturn()+0       ?        ssexhd()             000000000 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   00B0024E0 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFFAB90 ?

joxnfy_()+2144       ?        _sigreturn()         8000000100013EA8 ?

                                                   40000000013DE300 ?

                                                   80000001001B7440 ?

                                                   000000000 ?

joxnfy()+48          ?        joxnfy()             000000001 ? 000002000 ?

                                                   08C2FD800 ?

                                                   40000000024A4CEB ?

kscnfy()+552         ?        joxnfy()             08C2FD800 ?

                                                   40000000024A4CEB ?

                                                   000000001 ?

                                                   800000010001473C ?

ksmcpg()+72          ?        kscnfy()             000000000 ? 000000003 ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?

ksucrp()+296         ?        ksmcpg()             000000000 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?

ksucresg()+56        ?        ksucrp()             8000000100146908 ?

                                                   80000001000FF4D8 ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?

kpolna()+368         ?        ksucresg()           000000000 ?

                                                   8000000100194330 ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?

kpoauth()+2792       ?        kpolna()             000000000 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?

opiodr()+1412        ?        kpoauth()            000000000 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?

ttcpip()+420         ?        opiodr()             F001C5163 ?

                                                   4000000001DA9273 ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000017EE8 ?

opitsk()+2664        ?        ttcpip()             800003FFBFFECD98 ?

                                                   8000000100013EA8 ?

                                                   000007FFF ? 000000000 ?

opiino()+1080        ?        opitsk()             800003FFBFE6E6D8 ?

                                                   800003FFBFE6F6D8 ?

                                                   000000000 ?

                                                   800003FFBFE6E6D8 ?

opiodr()+1412        ?        opiino()             C0000000002138D3 ?

                                                   1950104BFFF1DD0 ?

                                                   C00000000019F7DB ?

                                                   8000000100162788 ?

opidrv()+848         ?        opiodr()             C0000000000149EB ?

                                                   800003FFBFFE6410 ?

                                                   100000000000000 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFEC978 ?

sou2o()+120          ?        opidrv()             4000000002115C0F ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFF000B ?

opimai_real()+316    ?        sou2o()              800003FFBFFE6C58 ?

                                                   2BFE27818 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFEC978 ?

main()+124           ?        opimai_real()        800003FFBFFF0B10 ?

                                                   6170702F6F726163 ?

                                                   300000004 ? A004000270026 ?

$START$()+160        ?        main()               077FF0155 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   000000090 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFF0A79 ?


嘗試多次均無果,於是kill -9 pmon_pid然後打算重啟,這下搞得資料庫都無法啟動了

Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version:

System parameters with non-default values:

  processes                = 150

  timed_statistics         = TRUE

  trace_enabled            = FALSE

  disk_asynch_io           = FALSE

  tape_asynch_io           = FALSE

  control_files            = /d_db03/oracle/justin/ctrl1.ctl, /d_db09/oracle/justin/ctrl2.ctl, /d_db11/oracle/justin/ctrl3.ctl

  db_block_size            = 8192

  compatible               = 10.2.0

  db_file_multiblock_read_count= 8

  fast_start_mttr_target   = 300

  undo_management          = AUTO

  undo_tablespace          = UNDO

  undo_retention           = 900

  instance_name            = justin

  job_queue_processes      = 10

  background_dump_dest     = /d_db00/app/oracle/admin/justin/bdump

  user_dump_dest           = /d_db00/app/oracle/admin/justin/udump

  core_dump_dest           = /d_db00/app/oracle/admin/justin/cdump

  audit_file_dest          = /d_db00/app/oracle/admin/justin/adump

  db_name                  = justin

  open_cursors             = 30000

  star_transformation_enabled= FALSE

  query_rewrite_enabled    = TRUE

Fri Jul 06 02:24:45 EDT 2012

Errors in file /d_db00/app/oracle/admin/justin/udump/justin_ora_29152.trc:

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [joxnfy_()+2144] [SIGFPE] [HP Conditional trap] [0xC00000000751993B] [] []

 Fri Jul 06 02:42:37 EDT 2012


justin[help]:/d_orasw/dba>more /d_db00/app/oracle/admin/justin/udump/justin_ora_23683.trc


Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

ORACLE_HOME = /d_db00/app/oracle/product/db_1

System name:    HP-UX

Node name:      justin

Release:        B.11.23

Version:        U

Machine:        9000/800

Instance name: justin

Redo thread mounted by this instance: 0

Oracle process number: 0

Unix process pid: 23683, image: oracle@justin


Parsing user specified table space list to be ignored

Dynamic strand is set to TRUE

Running with 2 shared and 18 private strand(s). Zero-copy redo is FALSE

Exception signal: 8 (SIGFPE), code: 13 (HP Conditional trap), addr: 0xc00000000751993b, PC: [0xc000000007519938, joxnfy_()+2144]


  r1: c0000000073060d8       r22: 7020686561700000       sr4:          e975400

  rp: c0000000075198a7      arg3: 8000000100159880       sr0:          f35e800

  r3: 800003ffbfff9660      arg2:                0       sr1:          2673000

  r4: 800003ffbfff91b0      arg1:                2       sr2:                0

  r5: c0000000075190d8      arg0:              552       sr3:                0

  r6: 8000000100013a68        dp: 800003ffbffcbc00       sr5:          f3ca000

  r7:              551      ret0: 8000000100157094       sr6:          2673000

  r8:                0      ret1:              551       sr7:          f35e800

  r9:                1        sp: 800003ffbfff9660       cr0:    10000013dd9c0

 r10:                0       r31: ffffffffffffffff       cr8:        700000000

 r11: 4000000000d4d698       sar:               3f       cr9:                0

 r12: 8000000100159f38     pcoqh: c00000000751993b       ccr:                0

 r13: 800000010015b3d0     pcsqh:          f35e800      cr12:                0

 r14: 8000000100159888     pcoqt: c00000000751993f      cr13:            faef8

 r15:                0     pcsqt:          f35e800      cr24:           e04378

 r16:              14b      eiem: ffffffffffffffff      cr25:            c4eb0

 r17:               21       iir:          b0024e0      cr26:          3a3a800

 r18: 4000000001bb9180       isr:                0  mpsfu_hi: 800003ffbfe49410

 r19: c000000039c80688       ior:                0  mpsfu_lo:         69a4b040

 r20: 7020686561700000      ipsw:          806000f  mpsfu_ov:          20f4d00

 r21: c00000003060ae64      goto:            a38bc       pad:       320ee0944a

*** 2012-07-06 02:42:37.560

ksedmp: internal or fatal error

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [joxnfy_()+2144] [SIGFPE] [HP Conditional trap] [0xC00000000751993B] [] []

Current SQL information unavailable - no session.

----- Call Stack Trace -----

calling              call     entry                argument values in hex     

location             type     point                (? means dubious value)    

-------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------------

ksedst()+40          ?        ksedst1()            C000000000141988 ?

                                                   4000000001BB9180 ?

                                                   000000000 ?

                                                   20202020676F746F ?

ksedmp()+632         ?        ksedst()             000000000 ?

                                                   20202020676F746F ?

                                                   4000000000897828 ?

                                                   00000004E ?

ssexhd()+1080        ?        ksedmp()             800003FFBFE75080 ?

                                                   6B716A623836392C ?

                                                   000000003 ?

                                                   646D61646D696E00 ?

_sigreturn()+0       ?        ssexhd()             000000000 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   00B0024E0 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFF9660 ?

joxnfy_()+2144       ?        _sigreturn()         8000000100013EA8 ?

                                                   000000000 ?

                                                   80000001001AE3C0 ?

                                                   000000000 ?

joxnfy()+48          ?        joxnfy()             000000001 ? 000002000 ?

                                                   08C2FD800 ?

                                                   40000000024A4CEB ?

kscnfy()+552         ?        joxnfy()             08C2FD800 ?

                                                   40000000024A4CEB ?

                                                   C00000003079DE08 ?

                                                   800000010001473C ?

ksmcpg()+72          ?        kscnfy()             800003FFBFE6E6D8 ?

                                                   000000000 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFF85E5 ?

                                                   4000000000BC7350 ?

ksucrp()+296         ?        ksmcpg()             3800000000 ?

                                                   4000000000BC71F8 ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?

opistr_real()+1080   ?        ksucrp()             000000000 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?

opistr()+276         ?        opistr_real()        800003FFBFE772A0 ?

                                                   C00000000020E077 ?

                                                   C000000000017DE7 ?

                                                   000001D20 ?

opiodr()+1412        ?        opistr()             800003FFBFFF6630 ?

                                                   000000014 ?

                                                   400000000183D8BB ?

                                                   800003FFBFFF6E60 ?

ttcpip()+420         ?        opiodr()             800000010018D2C0 ?

                                                   8000000100146908 ?

                                                   40000000020EC9B7 ?

                                                   000015960 ?

opitsk()+612         ?        ttcpip()             800003FFBFFECD98 ?

                                                   8000000100013EA8 ?

                                                   000007FFF ? 000000000 ?

opiino()+1080        ?        opitsk()             800003FFBFE6E6D8 ?

                                                   800003FFBFE6F6D8 ?

                                                   000000000 ?

                                                   800003FFBFE6E6D8 ?

opiodr()+1412        ?        opiino()             C0000000002138D3 ?

                                                   1950104BFFF1DE0 ?

                                                   C00000000019F7DB ?

                                                   8000000100162788 ?

opidrv()+848         ?        opiodr()             C0000000000149EB ?

                                                   800003FFBFFE6408 ?

                                                   100000000000000 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFEC978 ?

sou2o()+120          ?        opidrv()             4000000002115C0F ?

                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFF000B ?

opimai_real()+316    ?        sou2o()              800003FFBFFE6C50 ?

                                                   2BFE27818 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFEC978 ?

main()+124           ?        opimai_real()        800003FFBFFF0B20 ?

                                                   6170702F6F726163 ?

                                                   300000004 ? A004000270026 ?

$START$()+160        ?        main()               077FF0135 ? 000000000 ?

                                                   000000090 ?

                                                   800003FFBFFF0A89 ?

麻煩更大了,不得已開了SR,然後給出答覆 Please review following documents and check if different versions are being used for database and listener:
Ora-07445 Core Dump From joxnfy() When Connecting to a Remote Instance. (Doc ID 747187.1)
ORA-7445 [joxnfy_] Using Listener With Database On the Same Server”,用處不大;







Environment variable to specify the path used to search for libraries on UNIX and Linux. The environment variable may have a different name on some operating systems, such as LIBPATH on AIX, and SHLIB_PATH on HP-UX.





 當執行動態連結.so時,如果此檔案不在預設目錄下‘/usr/local/lib’ and ‘/usr/lib’.




  (注:GNU系統可以自動新增在 /etc/ld.so.conf檔案中來實現環境變數的設定)


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/15480802/viewspace-734827/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
