#!/bin/bash cd /usr/local/src/ wget https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor/releases/download/v2.4.8/yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar mv yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar /usr/local/libexec/ cat >> /usr/local/bin/yuicompressor <<`EOF` java -jar /usr/local/libexec/yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar $@ EOF chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yuicompressor
$ yuicompressor YUICompressor Version: 2.4.8 Usage: java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar [options] [input file] Global Options -V, --version Print version information -h, --help Displays this information --type <js|css> Specifies the type of the input file --charset <charset> Read the input file using <charset> --line-break <column> Insert a line break after the specified column number -v, --verbose Display informational messages and warnings -o <file> Place the output into <file>. Defaults to stdout. Multiple files can be processed using the following syntax: java -jar yuicompressor.jar -o `.css$:-min.css` *.css java -jar yuicompressor.jar -o `.js$:-min.js` *.js JavaScript Options --nomunge Minify only, do not obfuscate --preserve-semi Preserve all semicolons --disable-optimizations Disable all micro optimizations If no input file is specified, it defaults to stdin. In this case, the `type` option is required. Otherwise, the `type` option is required only if the input file extension is neither `js` nor `css`.
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