程式設計也快樂: 兩隻水壺 C程式碼 搜尋版
#define MAX_QUEUE 100000
#define TARGET 3
#define A_VOLUMN 5
#define B_VOLUMN 6
#define min(a,b) (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)
struct state {
int bottleA; /* Remained water in bottle A */
int bottleB; /* Remained water in bottle B */
int action; /* How this state is achieved from its father state */
int father; /* Where this state is transfered from */
enum Action {
FILL_A, /* Fill A with full water */
FILL_B, /* Fill B with full water */
A_TO_B, /* Pour the water from A to B */
B_TO_A, /* Pour the water from B to A */
POUR_A, /* Pour all the water from A to the pool to make it empty*/
POUR_B, /* Pour all the water from B to the pool to make it empty*/
struct state queue[MAX_QUEUE]; /* The search Queue*/
int head; /* The head of the search queue */
int tail; /* The tail of the search queue */
int success = 0; /* Whether the search has succeed */
int flag; /* This will record the target position in the queue*/
short checked[A_VOLUMN + 1][B_VOLUMN + 1] = {0};
* Initialize the search queue, insert the first state
void init() {
head = 0;
tail = 1;
queue[0].bottleA = 0;
queue[0].bottleB = 0;
queue[0].father = 0;
queue[0].action = NONE;
checked[0][0] = 1;
void update(int a, int b, enum Action action) {
/* If this state is checked, ignore it */
if (checked[a][b])
/* Record the state in the queue and check it */
queue[tail].bottleA = a;
queue[tail].bottleB = b;
queue[tail].action = action;
queue[tail].father = head;
checked[a][b] = 1;
/* If we have arrived at the target, record the tail for backtracing the result */
if (a == TARGET || b == TARGET) {
success = 1;
flag = tail;
void generateStates() {
int transfered_water;
/* Fullfill the bottle A */
update(A_VOLUMN, queue[head].bottleB, FILL_A);
/* Fullfill the bottle B */
update(queue[head].bottleA, B_VOLUMN, FILL_B);
/* Transfer water from A to B */
transfered_water = min(queue[head].bottleA, B_VOLUMN - queue[head].bottleB);
update(queue[head].bottleA - transfered_water, queue[head].bottleB + transfered_water, A_TO_B);
/* Transfer water from B to A */
transfered_water = min(queue[head].bottleB, A_VOLUMN - queue[head].bottleA);
update(queue[head].bottleA + transfered_water, queue[head].bottleB - transfered_water, B_TO_A);
/* Empty Bottle A */
update(0, queue[head].bottleB, POUR_A);
/* Empty Bottle B */
update(queue[head].bottleA, 0, POUR_B);
void work() {
while(!success && head != tail) {
void backtraceResult(int pointer) {
if (pointer == 0)
static char* actions[] = {"Fill A with full water from the pool -> ",
"Fill B with full water from the pool -> ",
"Pour the water from A to B -> ",
"Pour the water from B to A -> ",
"Empty bottle A -> ",
"Empty bottle B -> "};
printf("%s A:%3d B:%3d\n", actions[queue[pointer].action], queue[pointer].bottleA, queue[pointer].bottleB);
void printResult() {
if (!success) {
printf("Cannot search out the result!\n");
/* Print the initial state */
printf("Start with A: 0 B: 0\n");
/* Backtrace to output all states leading to the solution */
/* Print a success to indicate we achieved our goal */
int main() {
return 0;
Start with A: 0 B: 0
Fill A with full water from the pool -> A: 5 B: 0
Pour the water from A to B -> A: 0 B: 5
Fill A with full water from the pool -> A: 5 B: 5
Pour the water from A to B -> A: 4 B: 6
Empty bottle B -> A: 4 B: 0
Pour the water from A to B -> A: 0 B: 4
Fill A with full water from the pool -> A: 5 B: 4
Pour the water from A to B -> A: 3 B: 6
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