

create table sales_fact(
product varchar2(200) not null,
country varchar2(100),
region varchar2(100),
year number,
week number,
sale number(10,2)

tmp_sql varchar2(1000);
for tmp_year in 2012..2014 loop
for i in 1..50 loop
insert into sales_fact values('BEEF','USA','NOUTH',tmp_year,i,abs(mod(dbms_random.random,12)*100));
end loop;
end loop;


####### sum #############
select year,week,sale,
sum(sale) over(
               partition by product,country,region,year
               order by week
               rows between unbounded preceding and current row
               ) running_sum_ytd
from sales_fact
where country='USA' and product='BEEF' and year in (2012,2013)
order by product,country,year,week;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
      2012          1        400             400
      2012          2        100             500
      2012          3        600            1100
      2012          4        100            1200
      2012          5        200            1400
      2012          6          0            1400
      2012          7        100            1500
      2012          8        600            2100
      2012          9        300            2400
      2012         10        700            3100
      2012         11        400            3500
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
      2012         45        300           22900
      2012         46        900           23800
      2012         47        300           24100
      2012         48        800           24900
      2012         49        400           25300
      2012         50        100           25400
      2013          1        100             100
      2013          2        600             700
      2013          3        800            1500
      2013          4       1000            2500
      2013          5       1000            3500

對於上面的查詢我們只修改一處。把rows between unbounded preceding and current row修改為rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
輸出結果會大大不同。原因在於rows between unbounded preceding and current row是一種視窗函式,是相關分析函式的預設值,如果知道那個為unbounded following就會統計自1月份到12月份的銷售額。

select year,week,sale,
sum(sale) over(
               partition by product,country,region,year
               order by week
               rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
               ) running_sum_ytd
from sales_fact
where country='USA' and product='BEEF'  and year in (2012,2013)
order by product,country,year,week;

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
      2012          1        400           25400
      2012          2        100           25400
      2012          3        600           25400
      2012          4        100           25400
      2012          5        200           25400
      2012          6          0           25400
      2012          7        100           25400
      2012          8        600           25400
      2012          9        300           25400
      2012         10        700           25400
      2012         11        400           25400
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
      2012         45        300           25400
      2012         46        900           25400
      2012         47        300           25400
      2012         48        800           25400
      2012         49        400           25400
      2012         50        100           25400
      2013          1        100           28700
      2013          2        600           28700
      2013          3        800           28700
      2013          4       1000           28700
      2013          5       1000           28700

####### max ############
select year,week,sale,
max(sale) over(
               partition by product,country,region,year
               order by week
               rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
               ) max_sale
from sales_fact
where country='USA' and product='BEEF' and year in (2012,2013)
order by product,country,year,week;

      YEAR       WEEK       SALE   MAX_SALE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      2012          1        400       1100
      2012          2        100       1100
      2012          3        600       1100
      2012          4        100       1100
      2012          5        200       1100
      2012          6          0       1100
      2012          7        100       1100
      2012          8        600       1100
      2012          9        300       1100
      2012         10        700       1100
      2012         11        400       1100
      YEAR       WEEK       SALE   MAX_SALE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      2012         45        300       1100
      2012         46        900       1100
      2012         47        300       1100
      2012         48        800       1100
      2012         49        400       1100
      2012         50        100       1100
      2013          1        100       1100
      2013          2        600       1100
      2013          3        800       1100
      2013          4       1000       1100
      2013          5       1000       1100

      YEAR       WEEK       SALE   MAX_SALE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      2012          1        400       1100

select year,week,sale,
max(sale) over(
               partition by product,country,region,year
               order by week
               rows between unbounded preceding and current row
               ) max_sale
from sales_fact
where country='USA' and product='BEEF'  and year in (2012,2013)
order by product,country,year,week;

      YEAR       WEEK       SALE   MAX_SALE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      2012          1        400        400
      2012          2        100        400
      2012          3        600        600
      2012          4        100        600
      2012          5        200        600
      2012          6          0        600
      2012          7        100        600
      2012          8        600        600
      2012          9        300        600
      2012         10        700        700
      2012         11        400        700
      YEAR       WEEK       SALE   MAX_SALE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      2012         45        300       1100
      2012         46        900       1100
      2012         47        300       1100
      2012         48        800       1100
      2012         49        400       1100
      2012         50        100       1100
      2013          1        100        100
      2013          2        600        600
      2013          3        800        800
      2013          4       1000       1000
      2013          5       1000       1000

      YEAR       WEEK       SALE   MAX_SALE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      2012          1        400        400
      2012          2        100        400
      2012          3        600        600
從實際的使用角度來說,使用rows between unbounded preceding and current row 得到的資料是截止到指定時間的最大值,而rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following得到的是歷史資料最大值。

像rows between 2 preceding and 2 following 比較的資料就是當前行的前2行和後2行對應的區間的資料。
select year,week,sale,
max(sale) over(
               partition by product,country,region,year
               order by week
               rows between 2 preceding and 2 following
               ) max_sale
from sales_fact
where country='USA' and product='BEEF'  and year in (2012,2013)
order by product,country,year,week;

      YEAR       WEEK       SALE   MAX_SALE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      2012          1        400        600
      2012          2        100        600
      2012          3        600        600
      2012          4        100        600
      2012          5        200        600
      2012          6          0        600
      2012          7        100        600
      2012          8        600        700
      2012          9        300        700
      2012         10        700        700
      2012         11        400        700
      YEAR       WEEK       SALE   MAX_SALE
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      2012         45        300       1000
      2012         46        900       1000
      2012         47        300        900
      2012         48        800        900
      2012         49        400        800
      2012         50        100        800
      2013          1        100        800
      2013          2        600       1000
      2013          3        800       1000
      2013          4       1000       1000
      2013          5       1000       1000


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/8494287/viewspace-1405507/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
