關於等待事件"read by other session"

Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Cursors/Session
Begin Snap: 24027 18-Dec-14 10:00:43 3065 6.6
End Snap: 24033 18-Dec-14 11:00:48 3441 6.5
Elapsed:   60.08 (mins)    
DB Time:   3,650.67 (mins)    

Load Profile

Per Second Per Transaction Per Exec Per Call
DB Time(s): 60.8 1.2 0.02 0.01
DB CPU(s): 10.2 0.2 0.00 0.00
Redo size: 1,835,598.3 35,780.1    
Logical reads: 1,910,437.0 37,238.9    
Block changes: 4,923.1 96.0    
Physical reads: 182,370.1 3,554.8    
Physical writes: 1,670.7 32.6    
User calls: 7,331.1 142.9    
Parses: 2,128.1 41.5    
Hard parses: 8.4 0.2    
W/A MB processed: 48.0 0.9    
Logons: 3.5 0.1    
Executes: 3,911.2 76.2    
Rollbacks: 1.5 0.0    
Transactions: 51.3      


Top 5 Timed Foreground Events

Event Waits Time(s) Avg wait (ms) % DB time Wait Class
db file sequential read 24,806,147 91,539 4 41.79 User I/O
read by other session 20,260,140 37,030 2 16.91 User I/O
DB CPU   36,766   16.79  
direct path read 3,090,582 30,292 10 13.83 User I/O
log file sync 191,401 7,738 40 3.53 Commit
對於read by other session自己還是比較陌生的。
從metalink的描述來看。這個等待事件是在10g之後對於buffer busy waits 的一個細分。(MOS ID "Read By Other Session" Wait Event (Doc ID 732891.1))
This wait event occurs when we are trying to access a buffer in the buffer cache but we find that the buffer is currently being read from disk by another user so we need to wait for that to complete before we can access it.  In previous versions, this wait was classified under the "buffer busy waits" event. However, in Oracle 10.1 and higher, the wait time is now broken out into the "read by other session" wait event.

Excessive waits for this event are typically due to several processes repeatedly reading the same blocks, e.g. many sessions scanning the same index or performing full table scans on the same table. Tuning this issue is a matter of finding and eliminating this contention. 

首先我們在awr報告中已經得知這個等待事件,一般都會存在sequential read。但是透過awr不能清晰的定位出哪些sql語句和這個等待事件相關。
Top SQL with Top Events
SQL ID Planhash Sampled # of Executions % Activity Event % Event Top Row Source % RwSrc SQL Text
3622987757 73 8.72 direct path read 6.48 TABLE ACCESS - FULL 6.48 SELECT /*+leading(CYC_CUST) p...
        db file sequential read 1.30 INDEX - RANGE SCAN 0.80
2808023112 4 8.54 CPU + Wait for CPU 4.42 INDEX - UNIQUE SCAN 1.41 SELECT COUNT(1) FROM (/* 
        db file sequential read 2.28 INDEX - UNIQUE SCAN 1.74
        read by other session 1.56 INDEX - UNIQUE SCAN 1.56
2134445868 6 7.24 db file sequential read 3.58 TABLE ACCESS - BY INDEX ROWID 2.61 select /*+ leading (bpm_ai bpm...
        read by other session 2.14 TABLE ACCESS - BY INDEX ROWID 1.88
        db file parallel read 1.12 TABLE ACCESS - BY INDEX ROWID 1.12
1565267664 35 5.03 direct path read 4.71 TABLE ACCESS - FULL 4.71 SELECT /*+parallel(CYC_PAY...
561414009 71 4.27 direct path read 3.87 TABLE ACCESS - FULL 3.87 SELECT SUB.CUSTOMER_ID FROM SU...
對於read by other session,和熱點塊也是相關的。
透過ash中的Top Event P1/P2/P3 Values能夠直接找到。
Event % Event P1 Value, P2 Value, P3 Value % Activity Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3
db file sequential read 43.11 "1","3386","1" 0.04 file# block# blocks
direct path read 25.62 "5","756618","127" 0.07 file number first dba block cnt
read by other session 3.98 "46","1609148","1" 0.07 file# block# class#
db file scattered read 2.53 "3","116107","126" 0.04 file# block# blocks
db file parallel read 2.50 "2","2","2" 0.51 files blocks requests

SQL> SELECT relative_fno, owner, segment_name, segment_type FROM dba_extents
       WHERE file_id = 46
       AND 1609148 BETWEEN block_id AND block_id + blocks - 1;
RELATIVE_FNO OWNER                          SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      SEGMENT_TYPE
------------ ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
          20   APPO                            PAYMENT_DETAILS_PK                                                            INDEX PARTITION
這條sql語句在文章(巧用rowid簡化sql查詢 http://blog.itpub.net/23718752/viewspace-1240404/)已經做了討論。
多個並行查詢。從這個角度來說發生read by other session也是意料之中的。因為這個查詢是一個分頁查詢,從操作上也可以做一些最佳化,目前是每隔10分鐘做一次查詢,然後查取1000條相關的資料。和業務部分協調的結果是,每隔半個小時執行一次查詢,每次查取3000條資料。


關於IO診斷的一些問題,可以參考 Troubleshooting I/O Related Waits (Doc ID 223117.1)

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/8494287/viewspace-1405516/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
