構建可盈利的軟體生態圈《Profit from Software Ecosystems》
This book is about ecosystem mechanics and how to generate revenue through ecosystems and partnerships in the software industry. Topics include: economic foundations, value chains, business and partnering models as well as examples from Google, Microsoft, SAP, OpenSource among many others. Preface by Karl-Heinz Streibich, CEO of Software AG and Executive Member of BITKOM, the German Federal Association for IT, Tele-communications and New Media on "Software Clusters". Industry Comments: Thomas Koulopoulos, Founder and CEO of Delphi Group, author of multiple bestselling books on IT and business trends, futurist, opinion leader www.TKspeaks.com "Complexity and scale of the software industry is daunting. Partnering in this maze of players and relationships is like climbing Everest without a guide. This book is your GPS to the software ecosystem. Popp and Meyer did a great job distilling and explaining essential principles, such as the software industry value chain, many types of business models, and how all these can be leveraged to help your business grow and thrive. This book is a must read for anyone trying to navigate the chaos of the software landscape!" Franz Baljer, President of the International Association for SAP Partners www.ia4sp.org and SAP Alliance Manager at T-Systems."This book helps people in our industry since it provides deep insight into partnering and alliance management. We are proud that
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