Some Dictionary Views For ASM


V$ASM_CLIENT contains one row for every database instance using a disk group managed by the ASM instance. In a database instance, it has one row for each disk group.

V$ASM_DISKGROUP contains one row for every disk group discovered by the ASM instance. In a database instance, V$ASM_DISKGROUP has a row for all disk groups mounted or dismounted.

V$ASM_TEMPLATE contains one row for every template present in every disk group mounted by the ASM instance. In a database instance, it has rows for all templates in mounted disk groups.

V$ASM_DISK contains one row for every disk discovered by the ASM instance. In a database instance, it has rows for disks in the disk groups in use by the database instance.

V$ASM_OPERATION contains one row for every active ASM long-running operation executing in the ASM instance. In a database instance, it contains no rows.

V$ASM_FILE contains one row for every ASM file in every disk group mounted by the ASM instance. In a database instance, it contains no rows.

V$ASM_ALIAS contains one row for every alias present in every disk group mounted by the ASM instance. In a database instance, it contains no rows.

V$ASM_DISK_STAT and V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT views return the same information as their counterparts without _STAT. They return cached results, rather than doing a new disk discovery.


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