A good template email on how to apply for training program


I saw a good template email which is about applying for training program. If you're the boss and probably receive this kind of email from your subordinates, how could you unkindly refuse it? :-P The following is the template for your reference.



From: YYY

Subject: ITIL and ITIL implementation

XXX, as you know, I recently discover ITIL, the best practice, process-based approach to quality IT Service Management. This framework will provide out IT/IS department with many benefits, including:

l Increasing customer satisfaction with IT services;

l Reducing the risk of not meeting business requirements for IT services;

l Reducing costs when developing procedures and practices with an organization;

l Better communication and information flows between IT staff and customers;

l Standards and guidance for IT staff;

l Greater productivity and better use of skills and experience;

l A quality approach to IT services;

As part of the ITIL initiative, I am responsible for applying sereral processes to the organization. I want to be sure I apply the framework correctly. I attended the ITIL Service Management Essentials course for an introduction to the ITIL process, and would like to advance my understanding through the ITIL Service Manager Certification program.

ZZZ, together with the biggest ITIL training and consulting company in the world, has recently designed their ITIL Service Manager Certification training program to offer a high level of learning support. The program features case studies, mock exams and individual coaching to ensure an in-depth understanding of the processes and how to apply and manage them. With the information I gain, I will be able to address our suport process issues.

Another benefit is working with and hearing from peers. An on-line exchange information environment and how one-week classroom sessions provide opportunities for exchange of ideas on how other IT professionals handle their support process issues.

I’d like to discuss this program with you further. At this time I can outline the fees and schedules. I look forword to speaking with you about this valuable learning opportunity.



來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/38542/viewspace-1048324/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
