Just rapid clone data on DB tier in Oracle EBS


We all know that cloning EBS is a huge operation, it will make you to down APP and DB tiers in order to copy files to the destination environment.

These days I got an request that need to clone the source EBS environment PROD into a temporary TEST environment. When I got into this issue I found that no any changes on APP tier and the database oracle files on DB tier, so doing a data recovery from PROD into TEST is a good choice.

The following steps I involved as below:


1.Delete all files under /oracle/proddata
2.Do a data recovery from backupsets using rman tool
3.Change the current database name PROD into TEST
1)shutdown immediate;
2)startup mount
3)nid target=/ dbname=TEST setname=y
4.Set $ORACLE_SID=TEST and start up the new database TEST and listener;
5.Clean the old variables in system tables
6.Run autoConfig on all tiers, firstly on the DB tier and then the APPS tiers, to repopulate the required system tables.
7.Restart the DB and APP tiers.

It's very important to execute step 5 and 6.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/38542/viewspace-1045725/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
