“pseudo-device: devinfo0″ for solaris 10


Repeated, frequent instances of messages related to the devinfo pseudo device are seen in the system messages file -

May  5 17:00:59 app1 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: devinfo0
May  5 17:00:59 app1 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] devinfo0 is /pseudo/devinfo@0
May  5 17:00:59 app1 pseudo: [ID 129642 kern.info] pseudo-device: tod0
May  5 17:00:59 app1 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] tod0 is /pseudo/tod@0

Repeated Instances of “pseudo-device: devinfo0″ in Messages File

This is a sign of a memory shortage on the system.

When the level of free memory becomes very low the kernel will unload any kernel modules it can, including the devinfo module. However, because the devinfo module is frequently used it will usually be re-loaded very soon afterwards, producing the pair of messages observed.

System memory use should be checked. SunSolve Document: 1009500.1 “Memory usage checking and troubleshooting” can be used as a starting point.



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