【轉】Oracle10.2 RAC crsd.log中th_select_handler message
crsd.log: th_select_handler message 是可以忽略的資訊
[ OCRSRV][3864]th_select_handler: Failed to retrieve procctx from ht. constr = [399766928] retval lht [-27] Signal CV.
crsd.log: th_select_handler message repeated
[ OCRSRV][3864]th_select_handler: Failed to retrieve procctx from ht. constr = [399766928] retval lht [-27] Signal CV.
This is an informational message for development.
This message can be ignored as described in internal bug 4494370.
Schedule a maintenance window and turn off this messaging as user root on one of the clusternodes:
# crsctl debug log crs OCRSRV:0
Stop and start CRS after changing the tracing level to pick up the change.
執行這個命令後就沒有th_select_handler: Failed ...的提示了
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/14184018/viewspace-695174/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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