oracle ovm deploycluster工具簡介
The deploycluster tool is a standalone program that can run from any Linux server. It connects to Oracle VM 3 Manager to automatically configure any number of nodes (VMs) to create a fully functional Single Instance, Single Instance/HA (Oracle Restart) or Real Application Cluster environment. The tool assumes all VMs are pre-created from the base Oracle DB/RACOVM Template and in the case of Oracle RAC, assigned correct disks & network to allow a successful cluster deployment. It then starts the VMs (if needed), verifies they are configured correctly (disk, network, etc.) then sends the network & build parameters to all VMs. This configures the network in all of the VMs and optionally launches a buildsingle to create a Single Instance environment, or buildcluster operation on the N-nodes cluster to obtain a fully configured Oracle RAC environment. The tool may also be used to configure a single node (VM), to add to an existing cluster, act as a single RAC node or asa Single Instance or Single Instance/HA (Oracle Restart) environment.
Deploycluster 工具主要用於oracle RAC、或者single instance等的自動安裝,該指令碼配合oracle RAC 模板在OVM 3 環境下使用,能夠方便的配置RAC架構,在引數檔案、網路檔案調整ok後,執行後面的shell語句即可完成Oracle RAC 的安裝,安裝過程中無需操作RAC各節點、即使各節點伺服器的啟動也無需手動進行,只需提供節點名即可自動啟動各節點,並完成安裝。詳細引數如下:
[root@ovmm deploycluster]# ./ -h
Oracle DB/RAC OneCommand (v2.0.3) for Oracle VM - deploy cluster - (c) 2011-2013 Oracle Corporation
(com: 28700:v2.0.2, lib: 180072:v2.0.3, var: 1500:v2.0.3) - v2.6.6 - (x86_64)
Invoked as root at Thu Nov 13 14:21:24 2014 (size: 45500, mtime: Wed Jul 31 07:55:37 2013)
Usage: provides fully automated backend Oracle DB/Single Instance or
RAC cluster deployment. It assumes all VMs are pre-created from the base
Oracle DB/RAC OVM Template and assigned correct disks & network to allow a
successful cluster deployment. It then starts the VMs (if needed), verifies
they are configured correctly (disk, network, etc.) then sends the network &
build parameters to all VMs. This configures the VMs network and optionally
launches a buildsingle/buildcluster on the single VM or N-nodes cluster to
obtain a fully configured single instance or Oracle RAC environment. See
deploycluster.ini options file for more details.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Oracle VM Manager Login:
Credentials to login to Oracle VM Manager (SSL supported)
Username to connect to Oracle VM Manager
Password to connect to Oracle VM Manager
Manager hostname (use either -H or -U or none)
Login URL to Manager (default: tcp://localhost:54321
or tcps://host:54322 when -H used to remote node)
Oracle DB/RAC OVM Template Options:
Identify which VMs to deploy as Single Instance or a cluster - pass
any special build attributes. Commonly used flags: -M, -N & -P.
-L, --list_vms_only
List VMs seen via Oracle VM Manager; Honors -M flag
, --vms=
List of existing VM names or IDs to deploy cluster on.
Supports "*" & "?" wildcard characters
Location of params.ini file (sent to VMs)
Location of netconfig.ini file (sent to VMs)
Start a buildcluster/buildsingle post-network setup
(default: yes. [If netconfig_args passed then default:
Advanced: Arguments to netconfig; override defaults
Advanced: Unzip new (partial) kitfile inside the VMs
Advanced: File containing extra keys to send all VMs
-D, --dryrun Show what will be done (do not start VMs or send msgs)
[root@ovmm deploycluster]# ./ -u admin -p Oracle123 -H localhost -M RAC-1,RAC-2 -P utils/params-my.ini -N utils/netconfig-my.ini
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