2 Why Firms Work Together
Reasons for Cooperation
- Sometimes competition is not in the companies' best interests
- 囚徒困境
- Sometimes companies need each other
- 例:索尼與飛利浦,如果推行同一個標準則雙方都有很好收益。(兩個Nash Equilibrium)
In these situations, cooperation can help avoiding inefficient solutions
Achieving Cooperation(Mechanisms)
- Repeated games (for 囚徒困境)
- Commitment
- Aggressive Commitment for many Nash Equilibrium in Simulataneous Games
- Soft Commitment for
Repeated Games
Making the future matter.
- Interactions / games between competitors A and B take place not only once but repeatedly
- A can threaten B : if B does not behave cooperatively this time, A will retaliate next time - and vice versa
Finite Repetition
It is clear from the beginning how often the game is repeated and when it ends
Backward Induction (Also in the Note 1.2)
- Can be used to analyse repeated games with finite repetitions
- Process of reasoning backward in time :
- First consider the last stage of a game and determine the best action at that time
- With this information, determine what to do in the penultimate stage
- Continue until the best strategy for every stage of the game is found
對於一個Finite Repetition Game,因為Endgame effect:
- threat在最後一步不具意義,於是在倒數第一步沒有合作。
- 在倒數第二步,不用顧忌倒數第一步的收益情況(總是沒有合作的格局),於是用於維持合作的threat不起作用,在倒數第二步沒有合作。
- 以此類推,從一開始就不會有合作。
Endgame effect : In the last stage of the game, there's no further threat of retaliation.
Infinite Repetition
- There is no defined end of the game and the number of repetitions is not clear
- In infinitely repeated games, cooperation is possible
- Likelihood of future payoffs
- Relative value of payoffs
Infinite Repetition Game中,不能夠使用Backward Induction,也就沒有Endgame effect
- 此時雙方只能用期望值E1來描述合作的將來收益,這涉及到對將來的估算
- 於是引入一個引數p用來表示將會有下一次Game的概率。
- 例:設A在一輪中合作時的收益是v,以一個簡化的級數和公式來表示A的合作收益期望(包括本輪) E1 = v * (1 / (1 - p)),可以看到p越接近0,期望收益越小,越接近1則越大。
- 通過合作期望E1與背叛期望E2比較,得出是否值得合作。
Factors Infuencing Cooperation
- Large number of competitors (hindering cooperation)
- 越多的Player意味著合作收益越小(對比背叛一次性大量收益)
- Low degree of punishment (hindering cooperation)
- High importance of future payoffs (enhancing cooperation)
- 例:存款利率,因為存款利率提升意味著現在的錢變得更重要(存進銀行生錢),相對的,合作的吸引力變小
- 懲罰的力度
Aggressive Commitment
- In most situations, the players of a game lhave lots of options
- Agfresive commitment : Eliminate those moves which lead to unattractive equilibria
- Often, this means changing the game from a simultaneous to a sequential one
有多個納什均衡點時,採用Aggressive Commitment提前決策將Game引入自己希望的納什均衡點。
Cooperative Commitment
- Reputation Building
- Make the company known as a reliable cooperator
- Make it known that you treat others fairly
Reputation Building使行為更容易被對手預測 Reputation Building使背叛行為成本增大(建立信譽的成本作廢)
Self-Binding Commitment
- Make an investment that convinces potential partners that one is committed to act cooperatively
- Eliminate those moves which would lead to competitive equilibria
Most Favoured Customer Clause
- Provision in sales contracts
- Promises the customer that it will get refunded if another customer is charged a lower price in the future
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