如果無法安裝 AIR 怎麼辦?


在安裝 Adobe AIR 的時候出現提示說“管理員不允許安裝...”之類的,其實是因為舊版本未刪除乾淨的關係,這個時候你可以通過 Windows Installer Clean Up 來處理。

The Windows Installer Cleanup utility (MSICUU2.exe) that was previously referred to in this article resolved some installation problems but sometimes caused issues with other programs or components that are installed on the computer. Because of this, the tool has been removed from the Microsoft Download Center.
via https://social.microsoft.com/Forums/it-IT/3388fad8-adba-4098-8660-9ee56a4e3b68/windows-install-clean-up-?forum=sqlserverzhchs

