def search(directory, file_pattern, path_match, follow_symlinks=True, output=True, colored=True): ''' Search the files matching the pattern. The files will be returned, and can be optionally printed ''' pattern = re.compile(file_pattern) results = [] for root, sub_folders, files in os.walk(directory, followlinks=follow_symlinks): # Ignore hidden directories if '/.' in root: continue # Search in files and subfolders for filename in files + sub_folders: full_filename = os.path.join(root, filename) to_match = full_filename if path_match else filename match = re.search(pattern, to_match) if match: # Split the match to be able to colorize it # prefix, matched_pattern, sufix smatch = [to_match[:match.start()], to_match[match.start(): match.end()], to_match[match.end():]] if not path_match: # Add the fullpath to the prefix smatch[0] = os.path.join(root, smatch[0]) if output: print_match(smatch, colored) results.append(full_filename) return results
def search(directory, file_pattern, path_match, follow_symlinks=True, output=True, colored=True): ''' Search the files matching the pattern. The files will be returned, and can be optionally printed ''' pattern = re.compile(file_pattern) results = [] for root, sub_folders, files in os.walk(directory, followlinks=follow_symlinks): # Ignore hidden directories if '/.' in root: continue # Search in files and subfolders for filename in files + sub_folders: full_filename = os.path.join(root, filename) to_match = full_filename if path_match else filename match = re.search(pattern, to_match) if match: # Split the match to be able to colorize it # prefix, matched_pattern, sufix smatch = [to_match[:match.start()], to_match[match.start(): match.end()], to_match[match.end():]] if not path_match: # Add the fullpath to the prefix smatch[0] = os.path.join(root, smatch[0]) if output: print_match(smatch, colored) results.append(full_filename) return results
另 外重要的一點是,我可以在螢幕上顯示更多的東西。很多時候我們都需要螢幕上同時看一個檔案的多個地方,或多個檔案的內容。我喜歡的實現這個目的的方法是讓 它們按列排列。如果整個檔案有80個寬度的限制,程式碼會有一個很好的呈現,我不用擔心程式碼在編輯器裡會否自動折行,不用去麻煩配置編輯器。如果我需要使用 vim在命令列裡快速編輯一個檔案,就不用擔心檔案的寬度。能專注於程式碼。
ThisIsMyModel.objects.find(field1=value1, field2=value2).count()