







SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';

PARAMETER                      VALUE

------------------------------ ----------------------------------



SQL> create user test identified by test;

User created


SQL> grant connect, resource to test;

Grant succeeded


SQL> create table test.t (name varchar2(4));

Table created





SQL> insert into test.t values ('測試');


SQL> insert into test.t values ('測試中');


insert into test.t values ('測試中')


ORA-12899: "TEST"."T"."NAME" 的值太大 (實際值: 6, 最大值: 4)


SQL> desc test.t

Name Type        Nullable Default Comments

---- ----------- -------- ------- --------

NAME VARCHAR2(4) Y                        


SQL> select * from test.t;











[oracle@ddd ~]$ csscan user=test fromchar=zhs16gbk tochar=al32utf8 log=testchange capture=n process=1


Character Set Scanner v2.2 : Release - Production on Wed Sep 2 10:52:42 2015

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


Username: system



Connected to:

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options


Enter array fetch buffer size: 1024000 >

Enumerating tables to scan...

. process 1 scanning TEST.T[AAAWB0AAEAAAACoAAA]

Creating Database Scan Summary Report...

Creating Individual Exception Report...


Scanner terminated successfully.






[oracle@ddd ~]$ ls -l | grep test

-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall   1879 Sep  2 10:52 testchange.err

-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall    590 Sep  2 10:52 testchange.out

-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall   8136 Sep  2 10:52 testchange.txt










[oracle@ddd ~]$ cat testchange.err

Database Scan Individual Exception Report


[Database Scan Parameters] –SCAN資訊內容引數


Parameter                      Value                                          

------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------

CSSCAN Version                 v2.1                                           

Instance Name                  mmdb                                      

Database Version                                           

Scan type                      User tables                                    

User name                      test                                            

Scan CHAR data?                YES                                             

Database character set         ZHS16GBK                                       

FROMCHAR                       zhs16gbk                                       

TOCHAR                         al32utf8                                        

Scan NCHAR data?               NO                                             

Array fetch buffer size        1024000                                        

Number of processes            1                                               

Capture convertible data?      NO                                             

------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------


[Data Dictionary individual exceptions]


[Application data individual exceptions]


User  : TEST

Table : T

Column: NAME

Type  : VARCHAR2(4)

Number of Exceptions         : 1         

Max Post Conversion Data Size: 6        


ROWID              Exception Type      Size Cell Data(first 30 bytes)    

------------------ ------------------ ----- ------------------------------

AAAWB0AAEAAAACuAAA exceed column size     6 測試                         

------------------ ------------------ ----- ------------------------------








[oracle@ddd ~]$ cat testchange.out



Character Set Scanner v2.2 : Release - Production on Wed Sep 2 10:52:42 2015


Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.




Connected to:

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options


Enter array fetch buffer size: 1024000 >

Enumerating tables to scan...


. process 1 scanning TEST.T[AAAWB0AAEAAAACoAAA]


Creating Database Scan Summary Report...

Creating Individual Exception Report...

Scanner terminated successfully.








Database Scan Summary Report


Time Started  : 2015-09-02 10:52:49

Time Completed: 2015-09-02 10:52:50


Process ID         Time Started       Time Completed

---------- -------------------- --------------------

         1  2015-09-02 10:52:49  2015-09-02 10:52:49

---------- -------------------- --------------------


[Database Size]


Tablespace                           Used            Free           Total       Expansion

------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

SYSTEM                            757.75M          12.25M         770.00M            .00K

SYSAUX                            574.38M          35.63M         610.00M            .00K

UNDOTBS1                           15.25M         189.75M         205.00M            .00K

TEMP                                 .00K            .00K            .00K            .00K

USERS                               1.38M           3.63M           5.00M            .00K

------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total                           3,100.75M         413.25M       3,514.00M            .00K


[Database Scan Parameters]


Parameter                      Value                                          

------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------

CSSCAN Version                 v2.1                                           

Instance Name                  mmdb                                      

Database Version                                           

Scan type                      User tables                                    

User name                      test                                           

Scan CHAR data?                YES                                             

Database character set         ZHS16GBK                                       

FROMCHAR                       zhs16gbk                                       

TOCHAR                         al32utf8                                       

Scan NCHAR data?               NO                                             

Array fetch buffer size        1024000                                        

Number of processes            1                                              

Capture convertible data?      NO                                             

------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------


[Scan Summary]


Some character type application data are not convertible to the new character set


[Data Dictionary Conversion Summary]


Data Dictionary Tables:


Datatype                    Changeless      Convertible       Truncation            Lossy

--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

VARCHAR2                             0                0                0                0

CHAR                                 0                0                0                0

LONG                                 0                0                0                0

VARRAY                               0                0                0                0

--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

Total                                0                0                0                0

Total in percentage              0.000%           0.000%           0.000%           0.000%


XML CSX Dictionary Tables:


Datatype                    Changeless      Convertible       Truncation            Lossy

--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

VARCHAR2                             0                0                0                0

CHAR                                 0                0                0                0

LONG                                 0                0                0                0

VARRAY                               0                0                0                0

--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

Total                                0                0                0                0

Total in percentage              0.000%           0.000%           0.000%           0.000%


[Application Data Conversion Summary]


Datatype                    Changeless      Convertible       Truncation            Lossy

--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

VARCHAR2                             0                0                1                0

CHAR                                 0                0                0                0

LONG                                 0                0                0                0

VARRAY                               0                0                0                0

--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

Total                                0                0                1                0

Total in percentage              0.000%           0.000%         100.000%           0.000%


[Distribution of Convertible, Truncated and Lossy Data by Table]


Data Dictionary Tables:


USER.TABLE                                              Convertible       Truncation            Lossy

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------


XML CSX Dictionary Tables:


USER.TABLE                                              Convertible       Truncation            Lossy

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------


Application Data:


USER.TABLE                                              Convertible       Truncation            Lossy

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

TEST.T                                                            0                1                0

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------


[Distribution of Convertible, Truncated and Lossy Data by Column]


Data Dictionary Tables:


USER.TABLE|COLUMN                                       Convertible       Truncation            Lossy

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------


XML CSX Dictionary Tables:


USER.TABLE|COLUMN                                       Convertible       Truncation            Lossy

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------


Application Data:


USER.TABLE|COLUMN                                       Convertible       Truncation            Lossy

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

TEST.T|NAME                                                       0                1                0

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------


[Indexes to be Rebuilt]


USER.INDEX on USER.TABLE(COLUMN)                                                        












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